What Bicentennial? Are we talking about national independence? We (Trans. note: the argentinians) have been independent very few times in our history. Those times are counted with the fingers of one hand. At some point our nation was independent during the government of Juan Manuel de Rosas; the Anglo-French blockade in 1848; with President Julio Argentino Roca and his highly controversial "Conquest of the Desert"; with Roque Saenz Peña, the only argentinian President wounded in combat; for a brief period during the government of Hipolito Irigoyen and, during the first government of Juan Domingo Perón. In other words, we've reached some platitudes in our history with few unfinished projects of national independence, but never a real and permanent one.
From Buela, Alberto "Bicentennial a Politically Correct Idea" see here
The Real Kirchner's Argentina
Argentina is in the grip of a classic wage-price spiral, with unions holding the country to ransom and inflation at 30%, members of the opposition and critics are routinely described as anti-patriotic coup-plotting "golpistas", corruption is rife as huge public projects and concessions are handed to cronies with no real competetive tendering and a complete absence of anti-monopoly legislation to keep them in check, the kirchner's estimated personal swiss-held wealth is now in the tens of millions and of extremely dubious provenance, the Malvinas are invoked just as they were by Galtieri to induce patriotic sentimen while the nation's wealth is robbed, sold and pawned in what the Economist has described as "a serial asset-grab" in order to fill the coffers of what Cristina has described with Orwellian cynicism as the "bicentennial fund", which will be used as her campaign fund, as the poor are bribed with hand-puts and freebies (including free laptops no less!) into voting the Kirchner's back into power at the elections next year.
* The picture depicts a massive metal replica of Argentina's Constitution – in flames
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