What in the world wants to take away our humanity and turn us into animals?
Advertising treats us like animals who cannot control our appetites.
Pornography treats us like animals who cannot control our desires.
Everytime we give into our basest desires and instincts we are no more than an animal.
But we are made in the image and likeness of God!
We have a dignity that no one can take from us.
Nothing could keep Maximilian from loving.
Not hatred, not beatings, not even death by starvation!
Each one of us should not be afraid to step out of the assembly line of life and declare that we are not consumers, we are not animals, we are not social security numbers.
we are human beings made in the image and likeness of God
And that love and nothing else is the reason for our existence and the motivation of all we do!
Homily given on the Feast of St. Maximilian Kolbe, August 14, 2010
by Fr. Patrick Greenough, OFM Conv.
See here
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