"Qué día triste. Qué dolor leer estampada en el título del diario la noticia irreversible de la confusión canonizada y de la mentira hecha ley.
No protestemos por "el mundo", ni nos contagiemos de sus métodos propagandísticos para ganar la pulseada. Reconozcamos nuestras omisiones y nuestras incoherencias, pidamos perdón y convirtámonos al Evangelio, que sin éxito, sin brillo y sin fuerza humana (esto enseña la sabiduría de la cruz) cambia el corazón de las personas."
What a sad day! What a pain to read the headlines of the newspapers this morning with all the confusion and lies about the gay "marriage" - since last night the law of the land.
We should not complain about "the world" or follow its ways in order to win a match. We should recognize our mistakes and our own weaknesses, ask for forgiveness and convert to the way of the Gospel which without success, shine or human effort (this is the wisdom of the Cross) has changed the human heart.
See here
"It is the attitude of a man who can choose the hardest road, fight even when he knows that the battle is materially lost and live up to the words of the ancient saga, ‘Loyalty is stronger than fire!’ Through him the traditional idea is asserted, that it is the sense of honor or of shame – not halfway measures drawn from small minded moralities – that creates a substantial, existential difference among beings, almost as great as between one race and another race. … If anything positive can be accomplished today or tomorrow, it will not come from the clever tricks of agitators and politicians, but from the natural prestige of men both of yesterday but also, and even more, from the new generation, whose recognition of how much they can accomplish validates what they believe."
Julius Evola, Orientamenti
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