Friday, August 8, 2008

La Convención Anual de la American Bar Association

Este fin de semana en New York. Lamentablemente, por cuestiones de trabajo, voy a poder asistir a contados paneles.

Dan Slater del Law Blog del Wall Street Journal va a estar de moderador en el panel:

"Judicial Criticism: Judges Under Fire"

Un tema candente aqui y en la Argentina (caso de los militares condenados en Corrientes con penas altisimas por "privacion de libertad" y del "juez garantista" complice del delincuente que asesino a toda una familia. Los católicos diremos que estos son crimenes que claman al cielo por venganza. El pampeano y fellow blogger Gustavo Arballo cree que hay que darle un premio a estos jueces)

Ver aquí

Profesor Stephen Bainbridge (UCLA) destaca:

"Public criticism of judges, moreover, is one of the limited avenues available to hold unelected judges accountable. Criticism of judges invokes the social sanction known as shaming. Society long has made use of shame as a sanction. The Pilgrim’s stocks find a modern counterpart in the perp walk beloved of white collar prosecutors. The core idea is that reputationally sensitive individuals can be influenced by having their conduct held up to public obloquy.

Insulated by life tenure and various other protections, federal judges—especially those who intrude themselves into controverted social issues—ought to expect to be held up to scathing criticism when they render decisions that affect the lives of millions

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Julius Evola, EL MAESTRO