Como alguna gente (Gargarella y cía) puede seguir reivindicando a Alfonsin y a su camarilla (Nino, Portantiero, etc.). Alfonsin abrio una etapa negra de la historia argentina que aun no se cierra. El Pacto de Olivos con Menem fue una verguenza.
No se tomo el camino de la reconciliacion de Sudafrica - sino de enfrentamientos y divisiones. Sus desaciertos economicos no fueron menores.
Some people just don't get it!
Ver aqui
Friday, October 31, 2008
Obama es socialdemocrata
Ver el articulo de Daniel Henninger del WSJ - A MUST READ!
The goal of Sen. Obama and the modern, "progressive" Democratic Party is to move the U.S. in the direction of Western Europe, the so-called German model and its "social market economy." Under this notion, business is highly regulated, as it would be in the next Congress under Democratic House committee chairmen Markey, Frank and Waxman. Business is allowed to create "wealth" so long as its utility is not primarily to create new jobs or economic growth but to support a deep welfare system.
Ver aqui
The goal of Sen. Obama and the modern, "progressive" Democratic Party is to move the U.S. in the direction of Western Europe, the so-called German model and its "social market economy." Under this notion, business is highly regulated, as it would be in the next Congress under Democratic House committee chairmen Markey, Frank and Waxman. Business is allowed to create "wealth" so long as its utility is not primarily to create new jobs or economic growth but to support a deep welfare system.
Ver aqui
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Ramiro Ledesma - Asesinado junto a Ramiro de Maetzu el 29 de Octubre de 1936

José Luis Ontiveros comentando el libro de Cuadrado Costa “Ramiro Ledesma un romanticismo de Acero”
Ramiro Ledesma Ramos, filosofo marginado, escritor clandestino, y encarnación de un romanticismo de acero para introducir a Heidegger en castellano, diferir de su maestro Ortega y osar unir la bandera rojinegra del anarquismo al yunque y a las flechas de los reyes católicos.
El filosofo Ledesma colaborador de la Revista de Occidente, introductor de Heidegger en el orbe hispánico (al filosofo alemán le dedico tres artículos con el titulo de "Notas sobre Heidegger, Que es la metafísica? " (2), publicadas en La Gaceta Literaria entre febrero y marzo de 1930, además de numerosas referencias en otros artículos, sin contar que su resolución de asumir la política como destino fue la toma de una decisión (Entschlosseheit) —en términos de Heidegger— que estribaría "en una acción fiel al yo cuando este ha despertado de una vida banal y sin consistencia", de ahí que fuera precisamente Heidegger "la más honda devoción filosófica de Ramiro"
Jose Luis Ontiveros “Nihilismo heroico. Ramiro Ledesma Ramos, un romanticismo de acero.” Ver aqui
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
El video de Obama sobre redistribucion. Sunstein
No obstante lo que los medios como Fox y la campaña de McCain estan haciendo de este video comparto aqui la opinion de Sunstein:
"Sunstein argued that Obama is discussing redistribution in a relatively narrow legal context: The discussion in the 1970s of whether the Supreme Court would create the right to a social safety net -- to things like education and welfare. He also noted that in the interview, Obama appears to express support for the court's rejection of that line of argument, saying instead that the civil rights movement should aim for the same goals through legislative action." Ver aqui
Lo que dice Obama es que ni siquiera la "Warren Court" estaba interesada en los derechos sociales y que este tema hay que dejarlo al proceso politico (legisladores) antes que a la Corte y los jueces.
Mas sobre "Warren Court" y la opinion de Obama sobre los futuros jueces:
Q: You voted against confirming both Justice Alito and Chief Justice Roberts (for the U.S. Supreme Court). You said you want justices who are passionate. ... You taught constitutional law for 10 years, so I'm wondering if you can tell us, outside the context of the current court, what justices would you use as models for your pick?
Ver aqui
"Sunstein argued that Obama is discussing redistribution in a relatively narrow legal context: The discussion in the 1970s of whether the Supreme Court would create the right to a social safety net -- to things like education and welfare. He also noted that in the interview, Obama appears to express support for the court's rejection of that line of argument, saying instead that the civil rights movement should aim for the same goals through legislative action." Ver aqui
Lo que dice Obama es que ni siquiera la "Warren Court" estaba interesada en los derechos sociales y que este tema hay que dejarlo al proceso politico (legisladores) antes que a la Corte y los jueces.
Mas sobre "Warren Court" y la opinion de Obama sobre los futuros jueces:
Q: You voted against confirming both Justice Alito and Chief Justice Roberts (for the U.S. Supreme Court). You said you want justices who are passionate. ... You taught constitutional law for 10 years, so I'm wondering if you can tell us, outside the context of the current court, what justices would you use as models for your pick?
Ver aqui
Monday, October 27, 2008
Totalmente de acuerdo
Es exactamente asi.
"Con el discurso que estaba teniendo el kirchnerismo no hacía falta ver los resultados para saber cómo iba a terminar la cosa. Criticar ahora es fácil. El tema era jugarse cuando pocos nos animábamos a marcar un punto de vista diferente.
Lamentablemente la imagen empresarial en Argentina está dilapidada porque muchos empresarios han sido cortesanos del mandamás de turno, creyendo que si lo adulaban iban a estar a salvo de cualquier contingencia. Sin embargo, no ha ocurrido eso.
Cuando este gobierno empezó agrediendo a las Fuerzas Armadas Argentinas la mayoría miró para el costado. Total a ellos les iba bien en lo económico.
Las agresiones a la Iglesia Católica tampoco fueron motivo de preocupación. Unos seguían vendiendo departamentos, autos y electrodomésticos y otros comprándolos. La fiesta era total.
Seamos sinceros y hagamos la autocrítica. Nadie puede avasallar tantos derechos y hacer semejantes destrozos si la población se pone firme a la hora de votar. Si los empresarios se ponen los pantalones largos y se plantan frente a un patotero que los insulta y les ordena qué vender, a qué precio y cómo. Y, si el periodismo hubiese sido menos complaciente y hubiese reaccionado mucho antes ante los atropellos institucionales que se venían venir.
Ahora se puede ver la importancia de las instituciones
Ver aqui
"Con el discurso que estaba teniendo el kirchnerismo no hacía falta ver los resultados para saber cómo iba a terminar la cosa. Criticar ahora es fácil. El tema era jugarse cuando pocos nos animábamos a marcar un punto de vista diferente.
Lamentablemente la imagen empresarial en Argentina está dilapidada porque muchos empresarios han sido cortesanos del mandamás de turno, creyendo que si lo adulaban iban a estar a salvo de cualquier contingencia. Sin embargo, no ha ocurrido eso.
Cuando este gobierno empezó agrediendo a las Fuerzas Armadas Argentinas la mayoría miró para el costado. Total a ellos les iba bien en lo económico.
Las agresiones a la Iglesia Católica tampoco fueron motivo de preocupación. Unos seguían vendiendo departamentos, autos y electrodomésticos y otros comprándolos. La fiesta era total.
Seamos sinceros y hagamos la autocrítica. Nadie puede avasallar tantos derechos y hacer semejantes destrozos si la población se pone firme a la hora de votar. Si los empresarios se ponen los pantalones largos y se plantan frente a un patotero que los insulta y les ordena qué vender, a qué precio y cómo. Y, si el periodismo hubiese sido menos complaciente y hubiese reaccionado mucho antes ante los atropellos institucionales que se venían venir.
Ahora se puede ver la importancia de las instituciones
Ver aqui
Los academicos mas citados - por especialidad
El "gran" Ron Dworkin y Martha Nussbaum encabezan Law & Philosophy.
Richard Epstein y Eric Posner Law & Economics, no liberals
El "gran" Jack Coffee Business Law (Ron Gilson aparece sorprendentemente en 5to lugar, hubiese creido que estaria mas arriba)Ningun liberal aqui
Sunstein y Tribe en Constitutional Law (esta disciplina esta dominada por los liberals. Nuestro amigo Eugene Volokh aparece en el decimonoveno lugar)
En Civil Procedure justamente el legendario Artur Miller (las clases de BAR/BRI)
En Labor Law el "gran" Samuel Estreicher (tambien otra joya de NYU, excelente profe!!) aparece segundo.
Notese que Columbia aparece en 8vo lugar, tres lugares mas abajo que NYU. GO NYU GO!!!
En toda esas listas hay un argentino, Dean Revesz de NYU (en Environmental Law)
Vease aquí
Richard Epstein y Eric Posner Law & Economics, no liberals
El "gran" Jack Coffee Business Law (Ron Gilson aparece sorprendentemente en 5to lugar, hubiese creido que estaria mas arriba)Ningun liberal aqui
Sunstein y Tribe en Constitutional Law (esta disciplina esta dominada por los liberals. Nuestro amigo Eugene Volokh aparece en el decimonoveno lugar)
En Civil Procedure justamente el legendario Artur Miller (las clases de BAR/BRI)
En Labor Law el "gran" Samuel Estreicher (tambien otra joya de NYU, excelente profe!!) aparece segundo.
Notese que Columbia aparece en 8vo lugar, tres lugares mas abajo que NYU. GO NYU GO!!!
En toda esas listas hay un argentino, Dean Revesz de NYU (en Environmental Law)
Vease aquí
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Hoy Cristo Rey!
"Pío XI instituyó la fiesta de Cristo Rey contra el “Liberalismo”; justamente el Liberalismo es una especie de cobardía. El Liberalismo niega la Reyecía de Cristo, su poder de derecho sobre la sociedad humana."
"El Liberalismo eliminó la Reyecía de Cristo diciendo una cosa inocente: que la religión era un asunto privado, que por tanto las naciones debían respetar todas las religiones y que la Iglesia no debía meterse en camisa de once varas — o sea en asuntos públicos.
El gran filósofo alemán Josef Pieper observa que si hacemos a Dios un asunto privado (un asunto del interior de la conciencia de cada uno), por el mismo caso hacemos Dios al Estado y a Jesucristo y al Padre Eterno los convertimos en subdioses. En efecto, el Estado es un asunto público, y por tanto, la religión es inferior y debe someterse a él, puesto que lo público es muy superior a lo privado, y lo privado debe sometérsele. En efecto, la Historia mostró pronto que el “laicismo liberal”, o sea la pretendida neutralidad con respecto a la religión, — era en realidad verdadera hostilidad; y acababa por deificar, divinizar al Estado; lo cual pronto se organizó en sistema filosófico monstruoso e idolátrico: la “estatolatría”, el sistema de Hegel y de Carlos Marx."
Padre Leonardo Castellani, S.J
"El Liberalismo eliminó la Reyecía de Cristo diciendo una cosa inocente: que la religión era un asunto privado, que por tanto las naciones debían respetar todas las religiones y que la Iglesia no debía meterse en camisa de once varas — o sea en asuntos públicos.
El gran filósofo alemán Josef Pieper observa que si hacemos a Dios un asunto privado (un asunto del interior de la conciencia de cada uno), por el mismo caso hacemos Dios al Estado y a Jesucristo y al Padre Eterno los convertimos en subdioses. En efecto, el Estado es un asunto público, y por tanto, la religión es inferior y debe someterse a él, puesto que lo público es muy superior a lo privado, y lo privado debe sometérsele. En efecto, la Historia mostró pronto que el “laicismo liberal”, o sea la pretendida neutralidad con respecto a la religión, — era en realidad verdadera hostilidad; y acababa por deificar, divinizar al Estado; lo cual pronto se organizó en sistema filosófico monstruoso e idolátrico: la “estatolatría”, el sistema de Hegel y de Carlos Marx."
Padre Leonardo Castellani, S.J
In Memoriam. JORDÁN BRUNO GENTA. 1974 - 27 de octubre - 2008

Lo estaremos recordando en New York en la Misa mensual de los argentinos.
¿Que importancia tiene que una pseudojusticia mundana —en manos de sodomitas y aborteras— declare alguna vez que su crimen fue de lesa humanidad? AC
Dos buenos recordatorios
1) De su hija Maria Lilia Genta
Ver aqui
Pobreza es nada tener y todo bien poseer con entera libertad.
2) Del Profesor Antonio Caponnetto
"No aprobó jamás los procedimientos castrenses irregulares y clandestinos para combatir al marxismo. Clamaba por la guerra justa, limpia, frontal y varonilmente librada: la guerra contrarrevolucionaria, de la que fue su más esclarecido doctrinario."
Repetía con Santa Teresa: “es preferible la Verdad en soledad al error en compañía”. Y con Aristóteles: “en toda juntura entre lo malo y lo bueno, sufre lo bueno”. No mixturaba los contrarios, así como evitaba mezclar el agua con el vino.
"La teoría de los dos demonios, y la posición de quienes se sienten discriminados porque sólo se ataca a uno de ellos, le hubiera causado repulsión y desprecio. En la patria, no se enfrentaron ni se enfrentan dos demonios sino las dos ciudades agustinianas. Él batalló por la Civitas Dei y cayó en su defensa, heroicamente. No fue la víctima accidental de una refriega terrorista. Fue un combatiente valeroso abatido a mansalva por el enemigo."
La verdad, como el vino, sin aguar.
Ver aqui
Saturday, October 25, 2008
El libro de Linares (Quintana?). Errata
Resumido en el blog de Roberto Gargarella.
Dice este otro Linares:
"Desarrolló así seis teorías: el originalismo, el textualismo, la lectura moral, el minimalismo judicial, la teoría de Ely, y la versión deliberativa de Nino y RG." (sic :la "o" no lleva acento si se esta hablando en primera persona)
Mas correcto sería decir: "La versión deliberativa de Habermas."
Mas allá de que se compartan, o no las teorias de Don Jürgen, tampoco hay que quitarle mérito.
Dice este otro Linares:
"Desarrolló así seis teorías: el originalismo, el textualismo, la lectura moral, el minimalismo judicial, la teoría de Ely, y la versión deliberativa de Nino y RG." (sic :la "o" no lleva acento si se esta hablando en primera persona)
Mas correcto sería decir: "La versión deliberativa de Habermas."
Mas allá de que se compartan, o no las teorias de Don Jürgen, tampoco hay que quitarle mérito.
La guerra
Una cita de Jose Antonio que le arrebato a nuestro blog amigo Ex Roma Lux.
"Cuando la mujer intervenga en la gobernación del Estado ¿no cree usted que defenderá a sus hijos contra la guerra, evitando que le arrebaten y destruyan lo más preciado de su labor y de su vida? La educación a los hijos en el odio a la guerra." Jose Antonio.
Julius Evola lo trata extensamente a este tema de la decandencia (primacia del elemento femenino) particularmente en el capitulo referido a "The Civilization of the Mother" que sigue a la "Primordial Civilization" basada en la virilidad y la prevalencia del elemento masculino (ese capitulo lo incluye en "Genesis and Face of the Modern World" opuesto a la primera parte de su libro donde describe "The World of Tradition".)
"Cuando la mujer intervenga en la gobernación del Estado ¿no cree usted que defenderá a sus hijos contra la guerra, evitando que le arrebaten y destruyan lo más preciado de su labor y de su vida? La educación a los hijos en el odio a la guerra." Jose Antonio.
Julius Evola lo trata extensamente a este tema de la decandencia (primacia del elemento femenino) particularmente en el capitulo referido a "The Civilization of the Mother" que sigue a la "Primordial Civilization" basada en la virilidad y la prevalencia del elemento masculino (ese capitulo lo incluye en "Genesis and Face of the Modern World" opuesto a la primera parte de su libro donde describe "The World of Tradition".)
politically incorrect
Anything that is highly offensive to a white liberal.
Public schools, which are run by white liberals, teach children to take offense at the most trivial matters.
Since the only people who graduate from the public school system and who paid attention in class are white liberals, white liberals constitute a growing class of people who take offense at trivial.
When you offend one of these white liberals by, for example, saying "Merry Christmas," the white liberal is trained to say "I find that offensive. It is politically incorrect to assume that everyone in our multicultural society celebrates Christmas."
Go ahead, try it! Offend a white liberal and see what happens! They all spout the same pap.
Ver aqui
Anything that is highly offensive to a white liberal.
Public schools, which are run by white liberals, teach children to take offense at the most trivial matters.
Since the only people who graduate from the public school system and who paid attention in class are white liberals, white liberals constitute a growing class of people who take offense at trivial.
When you offend one of these white liberals by, for example, saying "Merry Christmas," the white liberal is trained to say "I find that offensive. It is politically incorrect to assume that everyone in our multicultural society celebrates Christmas."
Go ahead, try it! Offend a white liberal and see what happens! They all spout the same pap.
Ver aqui
Hugo Chávez Versus Human Rights By Jose Miguel Vivanco, Daniel Wilkinson
Increible que a estas alturas estas cosas sucedan.
(Gargarella's Watch: El articulo que se le escapo a Gargarella (recomendo leer el apoyo de Dworkin a Obama, publicado en esa misma revista, "The New York Review of Books" y hace mutis en el foro con respecto a este. La mala fe (deshonestidad) de los izquierdistas no tiene limites!)
On September 18, we released a report in Caracas that shows how President Hugo Chávez has undermined human rights guarantees in Venezuela. That night, we returned to our hotel and found around twenty Venezuelan security agents, some armed and in military uniform, awaiting us outside our rooms. They were accompanied by a man who announced—with no apparent sense of irony—that he was a government "human rights" official and that we were being expelled from the country.
With government cameramen filming over his shoulder, the official did his best to act as if he were merely upholding the law. When we said we needed to gather our belongings, he calmly told us not to worry, his men had already entered our rooms and "packed" our bags.
But when we tried to use our cell phones to get word to our families, our colleagues, and the press, the veneer of protocol quickly gave way. Security agents surrounded us, pried the phones from our hands, and removed and pocketed the batteries. When we then insisted on contacting our embassies, they shoved us into a service elevator, took us to the basement, and forced us into the back seat of an SUV with tinted windows. When we asked where we were headed, they told us only that we were going to the airport.
Ver aqui
(Gargarella's Watch: El articulo que se le escapo a Gargarella (recomendo leer el apoyo de Dworkin a Obama, publicado en esa misma revista, "The New York Review of Books" y hace mutis en el foro con respecto a este. La mala fe (deshonestidad) de los izquierdistas no tiene limites!)
On September 18, we released a report in Caracas that shows how President Hugo Chávez has undermined human rights guarantees in Venezuela. That night, we returned to our hotel and found around twenty Venezuelan security agents, some armed and in military uniform, awaiting us outside our rooms. They were accompanied by a man who announced—with no apparent sense of irony—that he was a government "human rights" official and that we were being expelled from the country.
With government cameramen filming over his shoulder, the official did his best to act as if he were merely upholding the law. When we said we needed to gather our belongings, he calmly told us not to worry, his men had already entered our rooms and "packed" our bags.
But when we tried to use our cell phones to get word to our families, our colleagues, and the press, the veneer of protocol quickly gave way. Security agents surrounded us, pried the phones from our hands, and removed and pocketed the batteries. When we then insisted on contacting our embassies, they shoved us into a service elevator, took us to the basement, and forced us into the back seat of an SUV with tinted windows. When we asked where we were headed, they told us only that we were going to the airport.
Ver aqui
Crisis Financiera

Entrevista al historiador marxista Eric Hobsbawm (pura chachara, los marxistas no saben una papa de economia)
H: En 1930 los efectos políticos netos en la Gran Depresión fueron el fortalecimiento de la derecha, esta creció enormemente. Hubo dos excepciones, una en Escandinavia que pudo moverse a la izquierda y sobrevivir hacia el socialismo y la democracia, y -curiosamente- en Estados Unidos, donde reaccionaron a quien sería el equivalente de Bush.
A la izquierda no le fue bien, nada bien, en los ´30. Y no les fue bien hasta la guerra. Es el principal peligro, hubo movimientos de izquierda en Europa incluyendo Inglaterra con el Labour Party, pero hoy no lo hay. La izquierda se va a ausentar y me parece que los grandes beneficiarios de ese descontento serán los EEUU, excepcionalmente los EEUU... (se ríe) estaremos a la derecha.
Escuchar aqui entrevista de la BBC
La opinion de un experto que si sabe de economia:

Profesor Charles Calomiris, Columbia University:
So what really happened and what should we do to make things better? The current financial crisis, like many in the past, had its roots in several areas: loose monetary policy (from 2002-2005, the real fed-funds rate was persistently negative to a degree not seen since the mid-1970s); government subsidies for leverage in real estate (the list is a long one, but the government's role in Fannie and Freddie tops it); and many other errors by the public and private sector, including longstanding flaws in prudential regulation (see aforementioned Basel rules).
Ver aqui
De Steve Forbes, desde la tribuna de la autoproclamada "la herramienta capitalista"

How Capitalism Will Save Us
Ver aqui

De Larry Kudlow
Reagan + Friedman + Keynes
We need all the help we can get.
...So I asked Prof. Mundell, who later won a Nobel Prize in economics, if President Reagan’s supply-side tax cuts would be sufficient to cure the economy. The professor answered that during periods of crisis, sometimes you have to be a supply-sider (tax rates), sometimes a monetarist (Fed money supply), and sometimes a Keynesian (federal deficits).
Ver aqui
Friday, October 24, 2008
Rawls v. Nozick: muy parejos
En el blog de Greg Mankiw:
"In a conversation with "Joe the plumber" about his tax plan, Obama said "when you spread the wealth around it's good for everybody."
Americans are evenly divided on the idea: 45 percent think it is a good idea and 46 percent a bad idea to use some of the money government collects in taxes to "spread the wealth" to others who are less well off. Most Democrats think spreading the wealth is a good idea (66 percent) and most Republicans think it is a bad idea (72 percent)."
Ver aqui
"In a conversation with "Joe the plumber" about his tax plan, Obama said "when you spread the wealth around it's good for everybody."
Americans are evenly divided on the idea: 45 percent think it is a good idea and 46 percent a bad idea to use some of the money government collects in taxes to "spread the wealth" to others who are less well off. Most Democrats think spreading the wealth is a good idea (66 percent) and most Republicans think it is a bad idea (72 percent)."
Ver aqui
La pobreza del multiculturalismo.
El "experto internacional en dulces" (era R.G) nos comenta su viaje a Paris donde descubre a un músico de Etiopía y unas galletas en base a almendras. Ver aqui
Para cualquier otro visitante a la capital francesa estos hubiesen sido datos irrelevantes, triviales frente a tantos atractivos que tiene esa ciudad la mayoría vestigios del “ancient regime.”
Ni los alemanes, a quienes se les achaca tantos males, fueron tan bárbaros y descomedidos cuando entraron a la capital francesa.
Para un buen reporte sobre Francia (a traves del filtro argentino) vease el excelente website del amigo Diego Pittaluga Faubourg-Buenos Aires.
Ver aqui
Para cualquier otro visitante a la capital francesa estos hubiesen sido datos irrelevantes, triviales frente a tantos atractivos que tiene esa ciudad la mayoría vestigios del “ancient regime.”
Ni los alemanes, a quienes se les achaca tantos males, fueron tan bárbaros y descomedidos cuando entraron a la capital francesa.
Para un buen reporte sobre Francia (a traves del filtro argentino) vease el excelente website del amigo Diego Pittaluga Faubourg-Buenos Aires.
Ver aqui
Thursday, October 23, 2008
La reaccion del mercado al anuncio de la Doña
De acuerdo con el comentario de Riordan en el WSJ de hoy, probablemente el experto norteamericano que mejor conoce a Latinoamerica.
"The elections are going to be a vote of confidence and that vote is going to go against the Kirchners," said Riordan Roett, a Latin America specialist at Johns Hopkins University. He said one of the problems is that Mrs. Kirchner has never broken with the policies of her husband, who many feel still calls most of the shots. "She's just a mouthpiece for the family firm," Mr. Roett says.
Ver aqui
"The elections are going to be a vote of confidence and that vote is going to go against the Kirchners," said Riordan Roett, a Latin America specialist at Johns Hopkins University. He said one of the problems is that Mrs. Kirchner has never broken with the policies of her husband, who many feel still calls most of the shots. "She's just a mouthpiece for the family firm," Mr. Roett says.
Ver aqui
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Sin sorpresas
Esta noticia en el WSJ de hoy no sorprende a nadie.
Hemmed in by the global financial squeeze and commodities slump, Argentina's leftist government has seemingly found a novel way to find the money to stay afloat: cracking open the piggybank of the nation's private pension system.
Ver aqui
Hemmed in by the global financial squeeze and commodities slump, Argentina's leftist government has seemingly found a novel way to find the money to stay afloat: cracking open the piggybank of the nation's private pension system.
Ver aqui
Cual es la camiseta del Juez Posner
Jack Balkin no sabe como describir a Posner (lo cual comparto)
"Posner describes himself as a pragmatist, but this term provides no hint of how alienated Posner is from anything resembling standard or traditional methods of constitutional interpretation. In this respect, Posner's opposite number is not a usual liberal suspect like Laurence Tribe, but Philip Bobbitt, who argues for the value of multiple modalities of interpretation."
Ver aqui
"Posner describes himself as a pragmatist, but this term provides no hint of how alienated Posner is from anything resembling standard or traditional methods of constitutional interpretation. In this respect, Posner's opposite number is not a usual liberal suspect like Laurence Tribe, but Philip Bobbitt, who argues for the value of multiple modalities of interpretation."
Ver aqui
Bajo el canto de la sirena
El "gran" Ron Dworkin, segun el blogista Roberto Gargarella, ha caido bajo los encantos de la sirena Obama. Ver aqui
Veamos que tanto va a cumplir Obama con todas las promesas si resulta electo. Hasta ahora ha prometido:
1) Que todos puedan acceder al seguro de salud - a pesar del fabuloso deficit y de que el pais se encuenta en virtual bancarrota.
2) Reforma inmigratoria - a pesar de que la mayoria de los americanos no parecen concederle ninguna prioridad a este tema y estan mas que interesados en continuar con el status quo, vale decir beneficiarse con la mano de obra barata sin otorgar ningun beneficio (de la proteccion de las leyes)a los indocumentados.
3) Aumentar los impuestos en medio de una recesión.
Un ex-colega de Obama, tambien Chicago-boy que no ha caido bajo los encantos de la sirena, el Profesor Richard Epstein dice (disculpen que no traduzca pero ando ocupadisimo estos dias):
"My Obama number is one. I know him through our association at the University of Chicago Law School and through mutual friends in the neighborhood. We have had one or two serious substantive discussions, and when I sent him e-mails from time to time in the early days of his Senate term, he always answered in a sensible and thoughtful fashion. And yet, for assessing the course of his likely presidency, I don’t know him at all. ...
The dominant trope is that he will be a pragmatic president who will move in small increments toward the center, not in bold steps toward the left.
But is it all true? The short answer is that nobody knows. Virtually everyone who knows him recognizes that he plays his cards close to the vest, so that you can make your case to him without knowing whether it has registered. At this point, my fear is that the change in office will not lead to a change in his liberal voting record, as reinforced by a hyperactive Democratic platform. My great fear is that a landslide victory will give him solid majorities in both Houses of Congress, so that no stalling tactics by Republicans can slow down his legislative victory procession. At that point his innate pragmatism will line up with his strong left-of-center beliefs on issues that have thus far been muted during the campaign.
Put otherwise, Obama’s vague calls for change that “you can believe in” are, to my thinking, wholly retrograde in their implications. At heart, he is an unreconstructed New Dealer who can see, and articulate, both sides on every question--but only as a prelude to championing the old corporatist agenda with a vengeance."
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Veamos que tanto va a cumplir Obama con todas las promesas si resulta electo. Hasta ahora ha prometido:
1) Que todos puedan acceder al seguro de salud - a pesar del fabuloso deficit y de que el pais se encuenta en virtual bancarrota.
2) Reforma inmigratoria - a pesar de que la mayoria de los americanos no parecen concederle ninguna prioridad a este tema y estan mas que interesados en continuar con el status quo, vale decir beneficiarse con la mano de obra barata sin otorgar ningun beneficio (de la proteccion de las leyes)a los indocumentados.
3) Aumentar los impuestos en medio de una recesión.
Un ex-colega de Obama, tambien Chicago-boy que no ha caido bajo los encantos de la sirena, el Profesor Richard Epstein dice (disculpen que no traduzca pero ando ocupadisimo estos dias):
"My Obama number is one. I know him through our association at the University of Chicago Law School and through mutual friends in the neighborhood. We have had one or two serious substantive discussions, and when I sent him e-mails from time to time in the early days of his Senate term, he always answered in a sensible and thoughtful fashion. And yet, for assessing the course of his likely presidency, I don’t know him at all. ...
The dominant trope is that he will be a pragmatic president who will move in small increments toward the center, not in bold steps toward the left.
But is it all true? The short answer is that nobody knows. Virtually everyone who knows him recognizes that he plays his cards close to the vest, so that you can make your case to him without knowing whether it has registered. At this point, my fear is that the change in office will not lead to a change in his liberal voting record, as reinforced by a hyperactive Democratic platform. My great fear is that a landslide victory will give him solid majorities in both Houses of Congress, so that no stalling tactics by Republicans can slow down his legislative victory procession. At that point his innate pragmatism will line up with his strong left-of-center beliefs on issues that have thus far been muted during the campaign.
Put otherwise, Obama’s vague calls for change that “you can believe in” are, to my thinking, wholly retrograde in their implications. At heart, he is an unreconstructed New Dealer who can see, and articulate, both sides on every question--but only as a prelude to championing the old corporatist agenda with a vengeance."
Ver aqui
Monday, October 20, 2008
Justice Thomas en el Manhattan Institute. Como interpretar la constitucion
"As important as our Constitution is, there is no one accepted way of interpreting it. Indeed, for some commentators, it seems that if they like or prefer a particular policy or conduct, then it must be constitutional; while the policies that they do not prefer or like are unconstitutional. Obviously, this approach cannot be right. But, it certainly is at the center of the process of selecting judges. It goes something like this. If a judge does not think that abortion is best as a matter of policy or personal opinion, then the thought is that he or she will find it unconstitutional; while the judge who thinks it is good policy will find it constitutional. Those who think this way often seem to believe that since this is the way they themselves think, everyone must be doing the same thing. In this sense, legal realism morphs into legal cynicism. Certainly this is no way to run a railroad, not to mention interpret the Constitution. . . .
Let me put it this way; there are really only two ways to interpret the Constitution -- try to discern as best we can what the framers intended or make it up. No matter how ingenious, imaginative or artfully put, unless interpretive methodologies are tied to the original intent of the framers, they have no more basis in the Constitution than the latest football scores. To be sure, even the most conscientious effort to adhere to the original intent of the framers of our Constitution is flawed, as all methodologies and human institutions are; but at least originalism has the advantage of being legitimate and, I might add, impartial."
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Let me put it this way; there are really only two ways to interpret the Constitution -- try to discern as best we can what the framers intended or make it up. No matter how ingenious, imaginative or artfully put, unless interpretive methodologies are tied to the original intent of the framers, they have no more basis in the Constitution than the latest football scores. To be sure, even the most conscientious effort to adhere to the original intent of the framers of our Constitution is flawed, as all methodologies and human institutions are; but at least originalism has the advantage of being legitimate and, I might add, impartial."
Ver aqui
Sunday, October 19, 2008
La muerte de un lider - In Memorian Jörg Haider

Dos excelentes videos de You Tube recordando a Jörg Haider.
Ver uno aqui
Y aqui el otro.
Ya sabemos quienes estuvieron detras de esto. Era un blanco viviente.
De acuerdo al Times:
"THE ISRAELI secret service spied on Jörg Haider, the right-wing Austrian populist, using one of his closest aides to gather information on his contacts with Arab dictators. Peter Sichrovsky said that he had been a Mossad informant for five years until retiring from politics in 2002."
Ver aqui
El mundo academico. Truth or fashion

Una buena refleccion sobre el mundo academico del Padre Seraphim Rose que aparece en la biografia que estoy leyendo "Not of this World. The Life and Teaching of Fr. Seraphim Rose.Pathfinder to the Heart of Ancient Christianity." Quien como el que conocia el mundo academico desde adentro.
"The academic world -and these worlds are neither lightly nor easily spoken - has become today, in large part a source of corruption.
It is corrupting to hear or read the words of men who do not believe in truth. It is yet more corrupting to receive in place of thruth, mere learning and scholarship which, if they presented as ends in themselves, are no more than parodies of truth they were meant to serve, no more than a facade behind which there is no substance.
It is, tragically, corrupting even to be exposed to the primary virtue still left to the academic world, the integrity of the best of its representatives -if this integrity serves, not the truth, but skeptical scholarship, and so seduces men all the more effectively to the gospel of subjectivism and unbelief this scholarship conceals. It is corrupting, finally, simply to live and work in an athmosphere totally permeated by a false conception of truth, wherein Christian Truth is seen as irrelevant to the central academic concerns wherein even those who still believe this Truth can only sporadically make their voices heard aboove the skepticism promoted by the academic system. The evil, of course, lie primarily in the system itself, which is founded upon untruth, and only incidentally in the many professors whom the system permits and encourages to preach it."
La educacion en Argentina y en Inglaterra.

Jose Pablo Feinmann publica en el pasquin oficialista un articulo que titula "La educacion argentina." El titulo tiene poca relacion con lo que viene despues. Se queja de la educacion que recibio (y reniega del pais):
"Me eduqué en Viamonte 430, de donde salían marxistas a montones. No me gusta la tierra. Y creo que la oligarquía, la Iglesia y el Ejército hicieron un país para ellos, un país, diría si me permiten, de mierda y que mataron con inenarrable crueldad siempre que se vieron en peligro." Ver aqui
Por otro lado en un articulo impecable Christpher Hitchens habla de la educacion en Inglaterra:
The Eton Empire
"We have no Eton to create the self-consciousness of a governing class,” wrote F. Scott Fitzgerald in 1920 in This Side of Paradise. “We have, instead, clean, flaccid and innocuous preparatory schools.” The remarkable thing, perhaps, is that he quite expected his readers to recognize the name. Indeed, when the education of the book’s “hero,” Amory Blaine, is being discussed, his mother, Beatrice, rather languidly says, “I’d have preferred you to have gone to Eton, and then to Christ Church, Oxford.”
There are a number of reasons why America does not have an Eton. In order to evolve such a school, you have to start with a monarchical foundation in the mid-15th century. (King Henry VI simultaneously founded King’s College, Cambridge.) A few hundred years of feudalism and empire are then required, during which time 18 of the country’s prime ministers attend the school, as do countless generals, ambassadors, and colonial governors.
On the night I walked across the bridge to the South Bank of the Thames and took my seat in the stalls, I could guess from the average age of the crowd that this was a major nostalgia trip. Macmillan, that mustachioed and shambling relic of the Edwardian era, was at the helm in the early 1960s (which is to say before “the Sixties” proper). Under him, Britain was still hierarchical, deferential, and pre-post-imperial. After his government collapsed amid the scandal of Christine Keeler and John Profumo, to be succeeded very briefly by yet another Old Etonian prime minister, named Sir Alec Douglas-Home, Britain was overtaken by a tsunami of modernism and egalitarianism and irreverence, from the Beatles to Private Eye magazine to the classless tones of the new generation of politicians. Even when a more traditional Toryism was restored by Mrs. Thatcher, meritocracy more than aristocracy was the keynote. It was none other than Macmillan himself who, in a remark criticized for its Jew-consciousness, drawlingly observed that her Cabinet had “more old Estonians than old Etonians.”
Ver aqui
Saturday, October 18, 2008
La Constitucion
"The nature of a Constitution, the action of an assembly, the play of parties, the unseen formation of "a guiding opinion", are complex facts, difficult to know and easy to mistake. But the action of a single will, the fiat of a single mind, are easy ideas: anybody can make them out, and no one can ever forget them. When you put before the mass of mankind the question, "Will you be governed by a King, or will you be governed by a Constitution?" the inquiry comes out thus, "Will you be governed in a way you understand, or will you be governed in a way you do not understand?" The issue was put to the French; they were asked, "Will you be governed by Napoleon, or will you be governed by an assembly?" The French people said, "We will be governed by the one man we can imagine, and not by the many people we cannot imagine".
"The American Government calls itself a Government of the supreme people; but at a quick crisis, the time when a sovereign power is most needed, you cannot FIND the supreme people. You have got a Congress elected for one fixed period, going out perhaps by fixed instalments, which cannot be accelerated or retarded - you have a President chosen for a fixed period, and immovable during that period: all the arrangements are for STATED times. There is no ELASTIC element, everything is rigid, specified, dated. Come what may, you can quicken nothing, and can retard nothing. You have bespoken your Government in advance, and whether it suits you or not, whether it works well or works ill, whether it is what you want or not, by law you must keep it."
Walter Bagehot, The English Constitution. See here
"The American Government calls itself a Government of the supreme people; but at a quick crisis, the time when a sovereign power is most needed, you cannot FIND the supreme people. You have got a Congress elected for one fixed period, going out perhaps by fixed instalments, which cannot be accelerated or retarded - you have a President chosen for a fixed period, and immovable during that period: all the arrangements are for STATED times. There is no ELASTIC element, everything is rigid, specified, dated. Come what may, you can quicken nothing, and can retard nothing. You have bespoken your Government in advance, and whether it suits you or not, whether it works well or works ill, whether it is what you want or not, by law you must keep it."
Walter Bagehot, The English Constitution. See here
Monday, October 13, 2008
El mamarracho de Alfonsin

Tambien tuve la misma impresion que el Profesor Ghio cuando vi el "busto."
Creemos que ese mamarracho le hace honor al personaje.
"Días pasados, al inaugurarse el busto del ex presidente Alfonsín en la Casa Rosada, en ocasión de conmemorarse los 25 años de nuestra primera elección democrática, hubo un coro de protestas y burlas relativas a la poca fidelidad que el escultor había guardado respecto de la figura de quien inaugurara tal nefasto sistema que nos fuera impuesto colonialmente por los ingleses tras la victoria de Malvinas y con la complicidad de nuestra dirigencia." Ver aqui
Creo que eso representa la distorsion que existe en Argentina no solo en el plano artistico sino tambien de los valores.
La semana pasada, por ejemplo, nos enteramos que un juez (Norberto Oyarbide) que frecuenta prostibulos de homosexuales -siendo filmado en plena aberracion - pidio la carcel comun para un Teniente General de la Nacion y ex presidente cuya rectitud nunca fue cuestionada.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
La administracion mas izquierdista de la historia norteamericana
Dice George Will:
"The political left always aims to expand the permeation of economic life by politics. Today, the efficient means to that end is government control of capital. So, is not McCain's party now conducting the most leftist administration in American history? The New Deal never acted so precipitously on such a scale. Treasury Secretary Paulson, asked about conservative complaints that his rescue program amounts to socialism, said, essentially: This is not socialism, this is necessary. That non sequitur might be politically necessary, but remember that government control of capital is government control of capitalism. Does McCain have qualms about this, or only quarrels?"
Ver aqui
Ross Douthat dice porque, aun estando en un punto muerto la candidatura de McCain seria justificable apoyarlo:
[W]hile success is never final, some successes are more final than others. The election of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1932 gave birth to an administrative state that has never been rolled back, and seems unlikely be rolled back in my lifetime. So that was a pretty final victory, as political victories go. Or again, while Ronald Reagan's election in 1980 had less enduring consequences than FDR's, at the very least it put its stamp on thirty years of American history in a way that, say, the election of Jimmy Carter or George H.W. Bush did not. And the convergence of an economic crisis and complete Democratic control of Washington should alarm even those conservatives eager to wash their hands of the GOP. The best reason for even the most disaffected right-winger to root for a McCain victory is simple: To the extent that much of the progressive agenda is a program in search of a crisis to justify its implementation, an election that delivers a liberal candidate who's adored by the media to White House, gives him huge majorities in both houses of Congress, and presents him with a worldwide state of emergency in which to govern, has the potential to be not just another loss for conservatives, but a once-in-a-generation defeat.
Ver aqui
"The political left always aims to expand the permeation of economic life by politics. Today, the efficient means to that end is government control of capital. So, is not McCain's party now conducting the most leftist administration in American history? The New Deal never acted so precipitously on such a scale. Treasury Secretary Paulson, asked about conservative complaints that his rescue program amounts to socialism, said, essentially: This is not socialism, this is necessary. That non sequitur might be politically necessary, but remember that government control of capital is government control of capitalism. Does McCain have qualms about this, or only quarrels?"
Ver aqui
Ross Douthat dice porque, aun estando en un punto muerto la candidatura de McCain seria justificable apoyarlo:
[W]hile success is never final, some successes are more final than others. The election of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1932 gave birth to an administrative state that has never been rolled back, and seems unlikely be rolled back in my lifetime. So that was a pretty final victory, as political victories go. Or again, while Ronald Reagan's election in 1980 had less enduring consequences than FDR's, at the very least it put its stamp on thirty years of American history in a way that, say, the election of Jimmy Carter or George H.W. Bush did not. And the convergence of an economic crisis and complete Democratic control of Washington should alarm even those conservatives eager to wash their hands of the GOP. The best reason for even the most disaffected right-winger to root for a McCain victory is simple: To the extent that much of the progressive agenda is a program in search of a crisis to justify its implementation, an election that delivers a liberal candidate who's adored by the media to White House, gives him huge majorities in both houses of Congress, and presents him with a worldwide state of emergency in which to govern, has the potential to be not just another loss for conservatives, but a once-in-a-generation defeat.
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La Crisis
Buen informe sobre la crisis economica mundial en la Revista "The Economist" este fin de semana. Un poco largo pero esta muy completo y vale la pena leerlo.
El titulo es "Special Report on the World Economy".
Incomparable el periodismo de los ingleses. It's so well written that is a joy to read!
Ofrecen bajarlo gratis, una rareza (Gentileza of Barclay's Capital)
Ver aqui
El titulo es "Special Report on the World Economy".
Incomparable el periodismo de los ingleses. It's so well written that is a joy to read!
Ofrecen bajarlo gratis, una rareza (Gentileza of Barclay's Capital)
Ver aqui
Saturday, October 11, 2008
La joyitas del CELS
Un exhaustivo informe publicado en nuestro blog amigo Catapulta sobre el CELS.
Una larga lista de apologistas de la subversion presidida por Horacio Verbistky un doble agente que una vez estuvo ligado a la inteligencia montonera.
Asamblea de Socios
Bovino, Alberto
Ver aqui
Una larga lista de apologistas de la subversion presidida por Horacio Verbistky un doble agente que una vez estuvo ligado a la inteligencia montonera.
Asamblea de Socios
Bovino, Alberto
Ver aqui
Friday, October 10, 2008
Lucha de clases. Buen articulo de David Brooks en el NYT
The Class War Before Palin
"The party is losing the working class by sins of omission — because it has not developed policies to address economic anxiety. It has lost the educated class by sins of commission — by telling members of that class to go away."
Ver aqui
"The party is losing the working class by sins of omission — because it has not developed policies to address economic anxiety. It has lost the educated class by sins of commission — by telling members of that class to go away."
Ver aqui
Legislation Seeks to Correct Argentina's Bad Example
American Task Force Argentina (ATFA) applauds U.S. Representatives Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX)and Ed Towns (D-NY) for their leadership in introducing the Judgment Evading Foreign States Accountability Act of 2008 (JEFSA).
The legislation encourages economic accountability for nations to deal fairly with creditors.
See here
The legislation encourages economic accountability for nations to deal fairly with creditors.
See here
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Entre Leo Strauss y el debate de anoche
Excelente disertacion de Rob Howse en NYU sobre Leo Strauss.
"Man of Peace: Rehearing the Case Against Leo Strauss" Ver aqui
Se encargo de demoler una por una las falsas acusaciones contra Strauss. Lo mas interesante siempre esta al final con las preguntas algunas de sus colegas, David Dyzenhaus, Stephen Holmes, y el debate que siguio en la recepcion.
De alli nos fuimos con un grupo de argentinos a seguir el debate en el Tribeca Grand Hotel. Ver aqui. Muy bueno y comodo espacio alquilado por un grupo amigo - el hotel tiene un pequenio anfiteatro por lo que seguimos el debate en la pantalla grande.
Bastante flojo el debate, ninguno de los candidatos podia responder a las preguntas.
"Man of Peace: Rehearing the Case Against Leo Strauss" Ver aqui
Se encargo de demoler una por una las falsas acusaciones contra Strauss. Lo mas interesante siempre esta al final con las preguntas algunas de sus colegas, David Dyzenhaus, Stephen Holmes, y el debate que siguio en la recepcion.
De alli nos fuimos con un grupo de argentinos a seguir el debate en el Tribeca Grand Hotel. Ver aqui. Muy bueno y comodo espacio alquilado por un grupo amigo - el hotel tiene un pequenio anfiteatro por lo que seguimos el debate en la pantalla grande.
Bastante flojo el debate, ninguno de los candidatos podia responder a las preguntas.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Salvemos al pobre hungaro
Del "ruso" Gargarella
Aqui la hazania de RG en el cafe del hungaro:
"está autorizado a quedarse en el café -ya sea con un mero vaso de agua- durante las horas que quiera, nadie lo va a correr con la cuenta. Hay re-fill ilimitado de café o té." . Ver aqui
Pobre tipo - le van a arruinar el cafe!!! En poco tiempo desaparece!!!
Con los precios de los alquileres en Manhattan!!! Ese tipo de clientes que se va a sentar con un vaso de agua por horas, acepta refills ilimitados y encima le deja inscripciones en el baño!!! lo van a poner "out of business" al hungaro en poco tiempo. Ese negocio no tiene futuro!!
Pronto dejara lugar a un Starbucks.
Entre los tanos y los "rusos" uno no sabe con quien quedarse. Miles de historias sobre los tanos cuando vivia en Brooklyn (Carroll Gardens, hoy invadido por yuppies).
P.S: A proposito de Brooklyn un tal Ernesto Seman, el alcahuete de Cristina que labura en el Consulado Argentino - segun me dice un compatriota y colega - escribio una sarta de disparates ayer sobre Red Hook en el pasquin oficialista Pagina 12:
Aqui una muestra:
"Las veredas nevadas de pan y caca de paloma convirtieron la zona en el paraíso de las ratas. El pollo frito y el pernil en abuso están en la base de una de las dietas más insalubres que uno pueda imaginar, la de los sectores populares de Nueva York. "
Ver aqui
Aqui la hazania de RG en el cafe del hungaro:
"está autorizado a quedarse en el café -ya sea con un mero vaso de agua- durante las horas que quiera, nadie lo va a correr con la cuenta. Hay re-fill ilimitado de café o té." . Ver aqui
Pobre tipo - le van a arruinar el cafe!!! En poco tiempo desaparece!!!
Con los precios de los alquileres en Manhattan!!! Ese tipo de clientes que se va a sentar con un vaso de agua por horas, acepta refills ilimitados y encima le deja inscripciones en el baño!!! lo van a poner "out of business" al hungaro en poco tiempo. Ese negocio no tiene futuro!!
Pronto dejara lugar a un Starbucks.
Entre los tanos y los "rusos" uno no sabe con quien quedarse. Miles de historias sobre los tanos cuando vivia en Brooklyn (Carroll Gardens, hoy invadido por yuppies).
P.S: A proposito de Brooklyn un tal Ernesto Seman, el alcahuete de Cristina que labura en el Consulado Argentino - segun me dice un compatriota y colega - escribio una sarta de disparates ayer sobre Red Hook en el pasquin oficialista Pagina 12:
Aqui una muestra:
"Las veredas nevadas de pan y caca de paloma convirtieron la zona en el paraíso de las ratas. El pollo frito y el pernil en abuso están en la base de una de las dietas más insalubres que uno pueda imaginar, la de los sectores populares de Nueva York. "
Ver aqui
Saturday, October 4, 2008
De Alexander Dugin

Un buen articulo sobre Dugin en el prestigioso Christian Science Monitor.
Esencial conocer a Dugin para entender los movimientos de Rusia en estos ultimos meses, Georgia and so on.
"In a nutshell, Dugin's philosophy holds that Russia is a "special geopolitical formation" that is fundamentally different from the West and therefore fated to fight for its own separate space. "Russian values hold that justice is more important than freedom, that the collective is more important than the individual," he says. "Russia is not a country, it's a civilization." "
Ver aqui
Para los que leen aleman se ha publicado un nuevo libro sobre Dugin - que aun no he leido.
Vladimir Ivanov, Dugin und die rechtsextremen Netzwerke (Stuttgart: Ibidem 2007, ISBN 9783898218047).
Ver aqui
Conferencia sobre el Padre Pio

Del Dr. Juan Carlos Goyeneche en Pagina Catolica. Ver aqui
Estoy siempre atrasado en el tema de disertaciones que me interesan.
Las tengo acumuladas en el disco duro y las bajo de a poco en el MP3.
Algunas trato de escucharlas en el "lunch break" cuando me es posible tener un "lunch break" - de lo contrario no me queda mas remedio que hacerlo los fines de semana.
El Padre Pio es un santo de esos que Dios nos regala cada tanto.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Impresionante la eficiencia de Sidley Austin
La ex firma de Barak & Michelle Obama.
A poco de aprobarse la Ley de Emergencia y Estabilización Economica ya han mandado a los clientes un muy buen resumen de la misma.
El grupo que se dedica a los temas regulatorios de las instituciones financieras es unmatched junto a White & Case y Cadwalader.
A poco de aprobarse la Ley de Emergencia y Estabilización Economica ya han mandado a los clientes un muy buen resumen de la misma.
El grupo que se dedica a los temas regulatorios de las instituciones financieras es unmatched junto a White & Case y Cadwalader.
El debate de anoche en el Yale Club
Lo vi en el Yale Club invitado por unos amigos. La sala estaba llena y se armaron algunas discusiones.
Mi impresion, dada las bajas espectativas que tenia, es que la candidata republicana paso el examen. Demuestra que es inteligente y puede aprender rapido en un corto periodo de tiempo. Otro tema es que decidira el pueblo americano si ofrecerle el trabajo a alguien que obviamente tiene las condiciones para recibir entrenamiento o a un veterano como Joe Biden.
El rol de la moderadora fue pesimo, no tenia control del debate. Se contestaba lo que queria.
Interesante fue la respuesta sobre el rol del vicepresidente donde flaqueo (para mi) Palin. La opinion de los "constitucionalistas" congresistas, ex-congresistas y politicos, presentes alli fue enocntrada.
Mi impresion, dada las bajas espectativas que tenia, es que la candidata republicana paso el examen. Demuestra que es inteligente y puede aprender rapido en un corto periodo de tiempo. Otro tema es que decidira el pueblo americano si ofrecerle el trabajo a alguien que obviamente tiene las condiciones para recibir entrenamiento o a un veterano como Joe Biden.
El rol de la moderadora fue pesimo, no tenia control del debate. Se contestaba lo que queria.
Interesante fue la respuesta sobre el rol del vicepresidente donde flaqueo (para mi) Palin. La opinion de los "constitucionalistas" congresistas, ex-congresistas y politicos, presentes alli fue enocntrada.
Seminario en Columbia University
Aunque el tema eran los "Fondos Soberanos" un famoso economista que enseña alli (no puedo dar su nombres debido a la restriccion que se nos impuso "Chatham House Rule") dio durante el almuerzo una panorama desvastador y pesimista de la economia americana. De excelente nivel el seminario, Argentina brillo por su ausencia excepto cuando hubo que referirse a los laudos arbitrales de cuya desicion se conoceran en las proximas semanas. Uno de los jueces estuvo alli, mas no puedo decir, y mi intuicion es que la decision no sera favorable. Creo que estamos en la categoria de "rogue state" al lado de Venezuela y Bolivia.
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