Jose Pablo Feinmann publica en el pasquin oficialista un articulo que titula "La educacion argentina." El titulo tiene poca relacion con lo que viene despues. Se queja de la educacion que recibio (y reniega del pais):
"Me eduqué en Viamonte 430, de donde salían marxistas a montones. No me gusta la tierra. Y creo que la oligarquía, la Iglesia y el Ejército hicieron un país para ellos, un país, diría si me permiten, de mierda y que mataron con inenarrable crueldad siempre que se vieron en peligro." Ver aqui
Por otro lado en un articulo impecable Christpher Hitchens habla de la educacion en Inglaterra:
The Eton Empire
"We have no Eton to create the self-consciousness of a governing class,” wrote F. Scott Fitzgerald in 1920 in This Side of Paradise. “We have, instead, clean, flaccid and innocuous preparatory schools.” The remarkable thing, perhaps, is that he quite expected his readers to recognize the name. Indeed, when the education of the book’s “hero,” Amory Blaine, is being discussed, his mother, Beatrice, rather languidly says, “I’d have preferred you to have gone to Eton, and then to Christ Church, Oxford.”
There are a number of reasons why America does not have an Eton. In order to evolve such a school, you have to start with a monarchical foundation in the mid-15th century. (King Henry VI simultaneously founded King’s College, Cambridge.) A few hundred years of feudalism and empire are then required, during which time 18 of the country’s prime ministers attend the school, as do countless generals, ambassadors, and colonial governors.
On the night I walked across the bridge to the South Bank of the Thames and took my seat in the stalls, I could guess from the average age of the crowd that this was a major nostalgia trip. Macmillan, that mustachioed and shambling relic of the Edwardian era, was at the helm in the early 1960s (which is to say before “the Sixties” proper). Under him, Britain was still hierarchical, deferential, and pre-post-imperial. After his government collapsed amid the scandal of Christine Keeler and John Profumo, to be succeeded very briefly by yet another Old Etonian prime minister, named Sir Alec Douglas-Home, Britain was overtaken by a tsunami of modernism and egalitarianism and irreverence, from the Beatles to Private Eye magazine to the classless tones of the new generation of politicians. Even when a more traditional Toryism was restored by Mrs. Thatcher, meritocracy more than aristocracy was the keynote. It was none other than Macmillan himself who, in a remark criticized for its Jew-consciousness, drawlingly observed that her Cabinet had “more old Estonians than old Etonians.”
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