Sin palabras...
–¿Qué estrategias usaba para vender?
–Y... les decía: “Aprovechá porque se va, no hay más”. Y tal vez tenía el depósito lleno (Risas). Tenés que ser un entusiasta.
–¿Qué mira en la televisión?
–Actualidad y deportes. A veces veo a Tinelli.
Ver aqui
Sunday, August 31, 2008
McCain, Obama y el voto latino
De acuerdo al Pew Center McCain solo cuenta con el 23% del voto latino. Historicamente un candidato para resultar vencedor necesita al menos el 30% de este voto porcentaje que McCain no alcanza.
McCain aun no ha conseguido atraer a este electorado.
McCain tiene asesores (con respecto a Latinoamerica) de mucho mas peso de su lado. Otto Reich (a heavyweight) es asesor de McCain, un desconocido "Profesor Restrepo" es asesor de Obama. McCain se enfrento con su propio partido por tratar de pasar la reforma migratoria, Obama estuvo ausente. McCain visito varias veces la region. Obama no tuvo ni tiene mayores contactos con latinoamerica, ademas de desconocer la region.
Obama es proteccionista, lo cual no es "good news" para latinoamerica. Propone reformar NAFTA se opuso a CAFTA y al acuerdo con Colombia.
McCain aun no ha conseguido atraer a este electorado.
McCain tiene asesores (con respecto a Latinoamerica) de mucho mas peso de su lado. Otto Reich (a heavyweight) es asesor de McCain, un desconocido "Profesor Restrepo" es asesor de Obama. McCain se enfrento con su propio partido por tratar de pasar la reforma migratoria, Obama estuvo ausente. McCain visito varias veces la region. Obama no tuvo ni tiene mayores contactos con latinoamerica, ademas de desconocer la region.
Obama es proteccionista, lo cual no es "good news" para latinoamerica. Propone reformar NAFTA se opuso a CAFTA y al acuerdo con Colombia.
What if Obama Loses?
After the phony roll call vote was taken here to formally nominate Barack Obama--a roll call that did not remotely reflect the true delegate strength of Hillary--the media exploded in an orgy of celebration about the historic character of the moment to which they had just been privileged to be witness.
The first black presidential nominee ever of a major party in history!” was proclaimed. Coming on the 45th anniversary of Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, Barack’s nomination is being hailed as the last great step forward in the long march to equality and justice in America.
The moral pressure to join the march of history is enormous.
Abroad, we are told, Europe and the Third World are awaiting the moment when America turns her back on her racist past and elevates this black man to the presidency. The subtext is that this is not just a political contest, but a moral test for America.
Questions arise. With this immense moral and emotional investment in a Barack victory--by 94 to 1 in one poll black America is behind him--what happens if the nation decides he is too radical, too inexperienced, too callow, too risky to be president?
What happens if the American people reject their marching orders and say no to Barack and black America? What happens if all the hopes and dreams, hype and hoopla, end in disillusionment?
Would the defeat of Barack Obama be taken as an affront to black America? Could we be in for a time of deepening racial division rather than healing? Could we be in for a long, hot autumn like the long, hot summers some of us recall from 40 years ago?
One black preacher here suggested as much to me.
Should that happen, the people who have framed this election as a contest between morality and racial justice on one side, and the clammy hand of America’s racist past on the other, will bear the same moral responsibility as did the advocates of mass civil obedience for the racial riots of the 1960s that followed.
Barack has just shot 6 points ahead of McCain. But he has not yet closed the sale. And to prevent his closing of the sale, the GOP must raise doubts in the public mind as to whether he is really a man of Middle America or the closet radical of the Rev. Wright’s congregation who said of Pennsylvanians that they are bitter folks, who cling to their Bibles, bigotries and guns because the world has left them behind.
No candidate has ever been nominated by a major party with fewer credentials or a weaker claim to the presidency, or more doubts as to his core beliefs. If Obama wins, the country could be in real trouble. And if he loses, the country could be in real trouble.
See here
Related articles:
Poll shows no convention bounce for Obama
Ver aqui
The first black presidential nominee ever of a major party in history!” was proclaimed. Coming on the 45th anniversary of Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, Barack’s nomination is being hailed as the last great step forward in the long march to equality and justice in America.
The moral pressure to join the march of history is enormous.
Abroad, we are told, Europe and the Third World are awaiting the moment when America turns her back on her racist past and elevates this black man to the presidency. The subtext is that this is not just a political contest, but a moral test for America.
Questions arise. With this immense moral and emotional investment in a Barack victory--by 94 to 1 in one poll black America is behind him--what happens if the nation decides he is too radical, too inexperienced, too callow, too risky to be president?
What happens if the American people reject their marching orders and say no to Barack and black America? What happens if all the hopes and dreams, hype and hoopla, end in disillusionment?
Would the defeat of Barack Obama be taken as an affront to black America? Could we be in for a time of deepening racial division rather than healing? Could we be in for a long, hot autumn like the long, hot summers some of us recall from 40 years ago?
One black preacher here suggested as much to me.
Should that happen, the people who have framed this election as a contest between morality and racial justice on one side, and the clammy hand of America’s racist past on the other, will bear the same moral responsibility as did the advocates of mass civil obedience for the racial riots of the 1960s that followed.
Barack has just shot 6 points ahead of McCain. But he has not yet closed the sale. And to prevent his closing of the sale, the GOP must raise doubts in the public mind as to whether he is really a man of Middle America or the closet radical of the Rev. Wright’s congregation who said of Pennsylvanians that they are bitter folks, who cling to their Bibles, bigotries and guns because the world has left them behind.
No candidate has ever been nominated by a major party with fewer credentials or a weaker claim to the presidency, or more doubts as to his core beliefs. If Obama wins, the country could be in real trouble. And if he loses, the country could be in real trouble.
See here
Related articles:
Poll shows no convention bounce for Obama
Ver aqui
Friday, August 29, 2008
Obama's secret identity. Obama is Cass Sunstein
Dice Nate Oman en Concurring Opinions:
Cass Sunstein, however, seems to be out to persuade people like me to support Obama. He has done a nice podcast (See here) on why conservatives should support Obama, and now he's got an article in the New Republic explaining Obama's pragmatism. Sunstein writes of him:
When he offers visionary approaches, he does so as a visionary minimalist--that is, as someone who attempts to accommodate, rather than to repudiate, the defining beliefs of most Americans. His reluctance to challenge people's deepest commitments might turn out to be what makes ambitious plans possible--notwithstanding the hopes of the far left and the cartoons of the far right. He goes on to insist, "Above all, Obama's form of pragmatism is heavily empirical; he wants to know what will work."
See here
So it turns out that Obama is a minimalist empiricist who believes in market-based approaches for pursuing progressive ends. In short, Obama is...Cass Sunstein.
Cass Sunstein, however, seems to be out to persuade people like me to support Obama. He has done a nice podcast (See here) on why conservatives should support Obama, and now he's got an article in the New Republic explaining Obama's pragmatism. Sunstein writes of him:
When he offers visionary approaches, he does so as a visionary minimalist--that is, as someone who attempts to accommodate, rather than to repudiate, the defining beliefs of most Americans. His reluctance to challenge people's deepest commitments might turn out to be what makes ambitious plans possible--notwithstanding the hopes of the far left and the cartoons of the far right. He goes on to insist, "Above all, Obama's form of pragmatism is heavily empirical; he wants to know what will work."
See here
So it turns out that Obama is a minimalist empiricist who believes in market-based approaches for pursuing progressive ends. In short, Obama is...Cass Sunstein.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
La Convención Democrata
Anoche vi una parte del discurso de Bill Clinton, sin duda el mejor que he escuchado hasta ahora de la Convencion Democrata. En realidad todos estuvieron bien, Michelle Obama, Hillary, y el VP Joe Biden pero Bill Clinton sobrepaso a todos.
En esta era parece que las elecciones se deciden en la TV, el candidato mas fotogenico, el que aparece mejor, el que elige cuidadosamente las palabras para impacto, etc. Todo es un gran show pero al final del dia veremos que tanta perfeccion que el publico exige a los candidatos, como si fueran estrellas de Hollywood, se traduzca al momento de las grandes decisiones.
En un tiempo me llegaron a aburrir el espectaculo de las convenciones, veia a los discursos demasiado "scripted" (acartonados) como dicen aqui, nada espontaneo todo un gran marketing con "focus groups" donde cada palabra, cada gesto era analizado por expertos, todo demasiado ensayado. Pero en estas elecciones dada la crisis en que se vive, estamos muy pendientes de los futuros lideres y la gente parece estar motivada.
Mas adelante vendran los debates, un match que se ha impuesto en este pais y forma parte del ritual por el que deben pasar los candidatos.
No podia de dejar de pensar en Argentina y de hecho no estan ni cerca de lo que se ve aqui. Alli pusieron a una candidata a dedo a la que se escondia y se evitaba que hiciera declaraciones publicas para no exponerla. Una de las pruebas mas contundentes de las limitaciones que tenia. Impensable en estas latitudes, dos mundos diferentes. Una estafa lo que han hecho alli. La gente deberia estar indignada.
Otra opinión: John Derbyshire
The Election From Hell
I won’t be watching either of the party conventions.
I can’t say that I ever felt much warmth for either John McCain or Barack Obama. The first struck me as a burned-out Senate seat-warmer (term limits! oh please, term limits!) who had shown outstanding courage as a young warrior but considerable wrong-headedness as a politician — a category of persons with which history has, after all, been well supplied. Obama I have never seen as anything but a bag of wind, possessed of great political guile, but steeped in the faddy, solipsistic notions of post-1960s college leftism.
That these two men are much worse than I thought only became apparent to me at the Saddleback interviews conducted by Baptist minister Rick Warren in front of 5,000 of his parishioners. Here the truth came out. These are not merely two different specimens of mediocrity, as is usual in presidential campaigns; they are two different specimens of love-the-world romantic fantasist.
Perhaps there is at least — I am clutching at straws, dear reader — some tiny element of choice in the fact that McCain and Obama are methodologically different in their desires to spend as much of America’s resources as they can get their hands on to lift up foreign peoples in foreign places. In accordance with their youthful experiences, McCain sees the task in warlike terms: “evil must be defeated.” To Obama it’s more a matter of community organizing: “building public health infrastructure around the world.”
Both men are determined to set this planet to rights, though, and hang the cost. Doesn’t the United States have infinite resources? Of course it does. Eliminator of All Evil, or Welfare Agency to the World; Brig. Gen. Jack D. Ripper or Albert Schweizer; you just have to choose. Can we afford it? Yes, we can! (That faint sound you hear? That’s the clink-clink of devaluing dollars — just ignore it.)
One hardly knows where to start with this gibberish. With eliminating evil, perhaps.
Warren: How about the issue of evil? … Does evil exist and if so, should we ignore it, negotiate with it, contain it or defeat it?
McCain: Defeat it. … Of course evil must be defeated …
Warren didn’t raise a peep. This is a Christian church? Hasn’t anybody present heard of original sin? The only way to eliminate evil is to eliminate the human race. I wouldn’t rule out the possibility that McCain’s policies will have that result, but if it’s the result he intends, he ought to tell us.
Warren: There are 148 million orphans in the world, 148 million kids growing up without Mommies and Dads. … Would you be willing to consider and even commit to doing some kind of emergency plan for orphans like President Bush did with AIDS?
Obama: I think it’s a great idea. … I think that part of our plan though has to be how do we prevent more orphans in the first place and that means that we’re helping to build the public health infrastructure around the world …
See here
En esta era parece que las elecciones se deciden en la TV, el candidato mas fotogenico, el que aparece mejor, el que elige cuidadosamente las palabras para impacto, etc. Todo es un gran show pero al final del dia veremos que tanta perfeccion que el publico exige a los candidatos, como si fueran estrellas de Hollywood, se traduzca al momento de las grandes decisiones.
En un tiempo me llegaron a aburrir el espectaculo de las convenciones, veia a los discursos demasiado "scripted" (acartonados) como dicen aqui, nada espontaneo todo un gran marketing con "focus groups" donde cada palabra, cada gesto era analizado por expertos, todo demasiado ensayado. Pero en estas elecciones dada la crisis en que se vive, estamos muy pendientes de los futuros lideres y la gente parece estar motivada.
Mas adelante vendran los debates, un match que se ha impuesto en este pais y forma parte del ritual por el que deben pasar los candidatos.
No podia de dejar de pensar en Argentina y de hecho no estan ni cerca de lo que se ve aqui. Alli pusieron a una candidata a dedo a la que se escondia y se evitaba que hiciera declaraciones publicas para no exponerla. Una de las pruebas mas contundentes de las limitaciones que tenia. Impensable en estas latitudes, dos mundos diferentes. Una estafa lo que han hecho alli. La gente deberia estar indignada.
Otra opinión: John Derbyshire
The Election From Hell
I won’t be watching either of the party conventions.
I can’t say that I ever felt much warmth for either John McCain or Barack Obama. The first struck me as a burned-out Senate seat-warmer (term limits! oh please, term limits!) who had shown outstanding courage as a young warrior but considerable wrong-headedness as a politician — a category of persons with which history has, after all, been well supplied. Obama I have never seen as anything but a bag of wind, possessed of great political guile, but steeped in the faddy, solipsistic notions of post-1960s college leftism.
That these two men are much worse than I thought only became apparent to me at the Saddleback interviews conducted by Baptist minister Rick Warren in front of 5,000 of his parishioners. Here the truth came out. These are not merely two different specimens of mediocrity, as is usual in presidential campaigns; they are two different specimens of love-the-world romantic fantasist.
Perhaps there is at least — I am clutching at straws, dear reader — some tiny element of choice in the fact that McCain and Obama are methodologically different in their desires to spend as much of America’s resources as they can get their hands on to lift up foreign peoples in foreign places. In accordance with their youthful experiences, McCain sees the task in warlike terms: “evil must be defeated.” To Obama it’s more a matter of community organizing: “building public health infrastructure around the world.”
Both men are determined to set this planet to rights, though, and hang the cost. Doesn’t the United States have infinite resources? Of course it does. Eliminator of All Evil, or Welfare Agency to the World; Brig. Gen. Jack D. Ripper or Albert Schweizer; you just have to choose. Can we afford it? Yes, we can! (That faint sound you hear? That’s the clink-clink of devaluing dollars — just ignore it.)
One hardly knows where to start with this gibberish. With eliminating evil, perhaps.
Warren: How about the issue of evil? … Does evil exist and if so, should we ignore it, negotiate with it, contain it or defeat it?
McCain: Defeat it. … Of course evil must be defeated …
Warren didn’t raise a peep. This is a Christian church? Hasn’t anybody present heard of original sin? The only way to eliminate evil is to eliminate the human race. I wouldn’t rule out the possibility that McCain’s policies will have that result, but if it’s the result he intends, he ought to tell us.
Warren: There are 148 million orphans in the world, 148 million kids growing up without Mommies and Dads. … Would you be willing to consider and even commit to doing some kind of emergency plan for orphans like President Bush did with AIDS?
Obama: I think it’s a great idea. … I think that part of our plan though has to be how do we prevent more orphans in the first place and that means that we’re helping to build the public health infrastructure around the world …
See here
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Sobre Biden v. Bork
Dice el Profesor Jeffrey Rosen en el New York Times sobre la participacion del Senador Biden en la audiencia de confirmacion de Bork:
"The charge is unfair. Twenty-one years ago, during the Bork nomination, I worked for Mr. Biden as an intern on the Senate Judiciary Committee. From that modest vantage point, I saw Mr. Biden struggle to focus the hearings on Judge Bork’s judicial philosophy rather than his private life, in the face of overwhelming political pressure from interest groups on the left. Mr. Biden’s efforts to protect Judge Bork’s and Judge Thomas’s privacy demonstrate that, although he was present at the creation of the post-Bork era, he did not cause it. On the contrary, he did everything in his power to resist the collapse of boundaries between nominees’ public and private lives."
The Myth of Biden v. Bork
Ver aqui
"The charge is unfair. Twenty-one years ago, during the Bork nomination, I worked for Mr. Biden as an intern on the Senate Judiciary Committee. From that modest vantage point, I saw Mr. Biden struggle to focus the hearings on Judge Bork’s judicial philosophy rather than his private life, in the face of overwhelming political pressure from interest groups on the left. Mr. Biden’s efforts to protect Judge Bork’s and Judge Thomas’s privacy demonstrate that, although he was present at the creation of the post-Bork era, he did not cause it. On the contrary, he did everything in his power to resist the collapse of boundaries between nominees’ public and private lives."
The Myth of Biden v. Bork
Ver aqui
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Alberto Bovino

Aparece en la foto revisando el "draft" de la versión corregida y aumentada de Roberto Gargarella de "Los Protocolos de los Sabios de Sión."
Texto de los Protocolos en Radio Islam
Ver aqui
"Ezquenazi (bajo el disfraz de "Grupo Petersen" para despistar), Werthein, Elsztain, Mindlin, Grobocopatel, Kunkel, Verbitsky (y periodistas de ese origen de Pagina 12 en constante campaña contra la Iglesia, las FF.AA, los sindicatos, y los sectores afines al campo nacional), Alperovich, Fellner, Larcher, y una larga lista.
Se ahoga a los sectores productivos del país, se apoderan de segmentos estratégicos que van desde el Banco Hipotecario y los seguros (Elztain - Werthein) hasta los recursos energéticos (Ezquenazi - Werthein - Mindlin), pasando por las comunicaciones (Werthein), los negocios agroindustriales (Werthein - Ezquenazi - Grobocopatel), las importaciones masivas de China (Werthein) y el apoderamiento de tierras fiscales o campos hipotecados."
"Se equivocan los que ven en el judaísmo una cuestión política, económica,racial o cultural.Siéndolo sin duda, no se reduce a ello, ni deben confundirse los accidentes con la esencia. El judaísmo es,ante todo, una cuestión teológica. Sólo la teología puede develarnos el drama y el enigma del linaje más grande y más miserable de la tierra. El que fue elegido y el que prevaricó; el de la fidelidad de Abraham y
la traición de Judas; el de Ismael e Isaac, el de Esaú y Jacob; el linaje que engendró a María y el que mató al Redentor."
Prologo a la sexta edicion, Julio Meinvielle. El judio en el misterio de la historia.
Los judios y la corrupcion demoliberal
"Con el liberalismo y el socialismo, los judíos, dueños de las riquezas del mundo, envenenan a todos los pueblos, pervirtiendo su inteligencia y corrompiendo su corazón." Ver aqui
Top Ten Lawyers in Argentina
Gustavo Arballo y la Revista Apertura publican el listado de los mejores abogados. Nos interesan los Top Ten.
1) Héctor Mairal
2) Héctor Alegría
3) Juan Carlos Cassagne
4) Enrique Bruchou
5) Julio César Rivera
6) Alfredo L. Rovira
7) Guido Santiago Tawil
8) Cristian Mitrani
9) Guillermo Walter Klein
10) Emilio Cárdenas
Conocemos a todos - excepto los numeros 7 y 8.
La mayoria de ellos muy conocidos en este foro (New York City) destacandose especialmente Emilio Cardenas (quien ademas fue Embajador ante la ONU aqui, el que mejor nos represento a los argentinos ante ese foro de los que he conocido, en mi modesta opinion y en la de diplomaticos de otros paises con los que he conversado; el otro fue el Dr. Mario Amadeo), Alfredo Rovira (un fixture en la reuniones de la ABA), Guillermo Walter Klein (otro PRO) y Hector Alegria (que nos dio bastantes clases y consejos sobre securitizaciones y fideicomisos. Un maestro.).
Coincidimos en que el ranking refleja las calidades profesionales de los mismos.
1) Héctor Mairal
2) Héctor Alegría
3) Juan Carlos Cassagne
4) Enrique Bruchou
5) Julio César Rivera
6) Alfredo L. Rovira
7) Guido Santiago Tawil
8) Cristian Mitrani
9) Guillermo Walter Klein
10) Emilio Cárdenas
Conocemos a todos - excepto los numeros 7 y 8.
La mayoria de ellos muy conocidos en este foro (New York City) destacandose especialmente Emilio Cardenas (quien ademas fue Embajador ante la ONU aqui, el que mejor nos represento a los argentinos ante ese foro de los que he conocido, en mi modesta opinion y en la de diplomaticos de otros paises con los que he conversado; el otro fue el Dr. Mario Amadeo), Alfredo Rovira (un fixture en la reuniones de la ABA), Guillermo Walter Klein (otro PRO) y Hector Alegria (que nos dio bastantes clases y consejos sobre securitizaciones y fideicomisos. Un maestro.).
Coincidimos en que el ranking refleja las calidades profesionales de los mismos.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Dos buenos articulos. Cass Sunstein & Roberto Cachanovsky

Dos buenos articulos, uno sobre behavioral economics en la seccion Book Review del NYT (comentando el libro de Cass Sunstein y Richard Thaler) y el otro explicando porque el control de precios no funciona en la columna semanal de Economia para Todos (Roberto Cachanovksy).
(* Cass Sunstein, ex profesor de Chicago hoy en Harvard es asesor de Barak Hussein Obama. Thaler es Profesor de UoC. El autor del articulo Benjamin Friedman es profesor de Economia en Harvard)
"Thaler and Sunstein also seem naïve in hoping that their program of libertarian paternalism will be equally appealing to those on the left and the right. Their entire line of argument — that people frequently make decisions that are not in their own best interest, that often “free markets and open competition will tend to exacerbate rather than mitigate the effects of human frailty,” and especially that in many important contexts “it is pointless to ask government simply to stand aside” since no way of presenting decisions can truly be “neutral” — is deeply subversive of standard free-¬market, anti-regulation, small-government thinking but supportive of many interventionist inclinations."
Para el articulo comentando el libro de Sunstein y Thaler
ver aqui
Cachanovksy explica magistralmente, de manera que podamos entenderlo todos, especialmente aquellos que no tenemos formacion economica, porque el control de precios no funciona y termina perjudicando a las clases bajas.
Para ejemplificar muestra como la inversion se vuelca, en presencia de controles, hacia los sectores altos dando el ejemplo del matromonio presidencial que acaba de construir un hotel de cinco estrellas para turistas extranjeros - en sintonia con la progresia paqueta. (De cualquier manera la vocacion de hotelero del ex-presidente Kirchner y su esposa es mas aceptable que la que tenian antes de usureros y ejecutor de deudores en base a la 1050.)
"El mejor ejemplo es el mismo matrimonio presidencial que, de acuerdo a la información periodística, invierte sus ahorros en zonas turísticas del país a las cuales jamás va a ir una familia del conurbano bonaerense. Invierten en inmuebles en zonas turísticas dónde sólo los que tienen ingresos más altos y los extranjeros pueden pagar. Invierten para satisfacer la demanda de los ricos. No de los pobres. "
Ver aqui
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Los medios acusaban a McCain de tener demasiadas propiedades (siete en total) asociando esto con "elitismo"?
Taki Teodoropulos desde su columna hace la siguiente observacion:
"Here is a man whose grandfather and father were admirals, and who led a squadron of fighters in Vietnam and spent five years in a Vietnamese dungeon, and because he married a woman who happens to own houses is suddenly accused of being an elitist. First of all, what is wrong about being an elitist? Would the Washington elite prefer him to be living in a trailer park? The Clintons have made over 125 million big ones by serving the interests of Saudi scum and other low lifes, and here we have the media accusing an honorable man of being elitist."
Did Somebody Say Elitism?
Ver aqui
El elistismo de acuerdo a Julius Evola paso por cuatro etapas:
"In the first stage the elite has a purely spiritual character, embodying what may be generally called ‘divine right’. This elite expresses an ideal of immaterial virility. In the second stage, the elite has the character of warrior nobility; at the third stage we find the advent of oligarchies of a plutocratic and capitalistic nature, such as they arise in democracies; the fourth and last elite is that of the collectivist and revolutionary leaders of the Fourth Estate."
Lo que estamos viendo ahora son las "elites" de la tercera y cuarta fase, las oligarquias y plutocracias mezcladas con personajes decadentes provenientes de sub-producto de las corrientes revolucionarias y colectivistas del siglo pasado.
En lideres espirituales (del Primer Estado)podriamos pensar en el Santo Padre. El mundo necesita mas de estos lideres (lo cual es imposible en una "democracia").
Taki Teodoropulos desde su columna hace la siguiente observacion:
"Here is a man whose grandfather and father were admirals, and who led a squadron of fighters in Vietnam and spent five years in a Vietnamese dungeon, and because he married a woman who happens to own houses is suddenly accused of being an elitist. First of all, what is wrong about being an elitist? Would the Washington elite prefer him to be living in a trailer park? The Clintons have made over 125 million big ones by serving the interests of Saudi scum and other low lifes, and here we have the media accusing an honorable man of being elitist."
Did Somebody Say Elitism?
Ver aqui
El elistismo de acuerdo a Julius Evola paso por cuatro etapas:
"In the first stage the elite has a purely spiritual character, embodying what may be generally called ‘divine right’. This elite expresses an ideal of immaterial virility. In the second stage, the elite has the character of warrior nobility; at the third stage we find the advent of oligarchies of a plutocratic and capitalistic nature, such as they arise in democracies; the fourth and last elite is that of the collectivist and revolutionary leaders of the Fourth Estate."
Lo que estamos viendo ahora son las "elites" de la tercera y cuarta fase, las oligarquias y plutocracias mezcladas con personajes decadentes provenientes de sub-producto de las corrientes revolucionarias y colectivistas del siglo pasado.
En lideres espirituales (del Primer Estado)podriamos pensar en el Santo Padre. El mundo necesita mas de estos lideres (lo cual es imposible en una "democracia").

Direct from Harvard of all places, Harvey Mansfield presents us with a full-throated defense of manliness in his new book, Manliness (no subtitle!). Mansfield recently took questions from a female fan (NRO Editor Kathryn Lopez).
Men, in Full
Harvey Mansfield, the man, on Manliness.
Lopez: What's your one sentence definition of manliness?
Mansfield: Manliness is confidence and command in a situation of risk.
Lopez: How deeply has feminism wounded manliness? I'd hate to see manliness fall, wimp-like, victim to little old aging bra burners.
Mansfield: Feminism abolished the idea of femininity but only wounded manliness.
It claimed and still claims that women can be as manly as men, but on condition that manliness is redefined in the direction of womanly sensitivity. Manly men did not fight back because they are not in the habit of fighting women, and because we all believe in democratic equality.
Lopez: Can liberals be manly?
Mansfield: Liberals are often manly, as when they take up the cause of the poor and the weak. But they have sold their souls to the feminists and do not know how to espouse manliness.
Ver aqui
Zafaroni segun Roberto Gargarella

"Reconociendo que posiciones como las de Zaffaroni no son –de modo claro- las dominantes ...por el modo en que han sido planteadas de modo habitual, corren el grave riesgo de terminar sirviendo a la justificación de algunos de los peores rasgos de las prácticas hoy dominantes.
En primer lugar, ellas siguen afirmando respuestas excluyentes, antes que otras inclusivas."
Obiang y un golpe fallido. Mark Thatcher, Frederick Forsyth, Simon Mann

Destination Malabo
A group of mercenaries' failed attempt to take over the worst place on earth.
By the time [Macias] Nguema was deposed in 1979, a third of the country's population-around half-a-million at independence-had been killed and another third had fled the country. Macías Nguema was removed in a bloody coup by his nephew, Obiang Nguema. Obiang had served in his uncle's government and was complicit in many of his crimes. In power he has hardly shown himself averse to violence, torture, and corruption-there are allegations that he, too, is a cannibal and ate the liver of a political opponent in 1993.
Simon Mann (1952-) does not have the typical mercenary's pedigree. His father was the captain of England's national cricket team and heir to the Watney Mann brewing fortune. Educated at Eton, Mann attended Sandhurst, took a commission in the Scots Guards, and eventually served in Britain's elite Special Air Service (SAS).
Mann followed up his military career with a series of failed business ventures and a brief return to active duty during the Gulf war. Soon after, he became one of the principals in a private military company, Executive Outcomes. Clients included Texaco and De Beers, but the company wasn't exactly discriminating. It was, however, effective. In the early 1990s, working on behalf of major oil companies and the Angolan government, Executive Outcomes reclaimed oil facilities seized by rebels in military operations of an unprecedented size for a private army.
In 1996, Mann created a subsidiary called Sandline and recruited a former lieutenant-colonel of the Scots Guards, Tim Spicer, to run it. While the point of the subsidiary was to distance itself from the shady reputation Executive Outcomes had acquired, Mann and Spicer set about doing their best to tarnish the new name. In 1997, Sandline received $36 million from the government of Papua New Guinea to end a revolt in Bougainville. News of the deal caused the army to revolt and forced the prime minister to resign. Spicer was arrested as soon as Sandline forces attempted to enter the country. His release was secured only after the British government intervened.
By the next year, Sandline was embroiled in a much bigger scandal, accused of violating a U.N. arms embargo in Sierra Leone on behalf of an Indian client himself accused of embezzling millions from a Thai bank. Still, Sandline operated in one form or another until 2004. That was the year Mann was arrested for masterminding an attempt to overthrow the government of Equatorial Guinea.
On March 7, 2004, Simon Mann and 67 South African mercenaries were arrested on board a Boeing 727 at an airport in Harare, Zimbabwe, en route to Equatorial Guinea. Mann was accused of trying to purchase a large shipment of weapons during their brief stopover in Zimbabwe. Already on board were hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of weapons and equipment, as well as $180,000 in cash.
The next day, a South African named Nick du Toit and 14 mercenaries were arrested as part of the advance team inside Equatorial Guinea. They were lying in wait, ready to seize the airport tower in Malabo and otherwise lay the groundwork for Mann's planeload of soldiers to take over the country.
While these events raised eyebrows internationally, what really caught the attention of the world's press came four months later when the South African police raided the home of one of Simon Mann's Cape Town neighbors-Mark Thatcher, son of the former British prime minister. (Bizarrely enough, Obiang's playboy son, Teodorin, also has a house in the same posh suburb, Constantia). Thatcher, who has amassed a sizable personal fortune in various businesses, has a checkered past involving accusations of loan sharking, Saudi bribes, and tax evasion.
Ver aqui

Man of Courage
by Harvey Mansfield*
(*Harvey Mansfield, a member of the Hoover Task Force on Liberty and the Virtues, is the William R. Kenan Jr. professor of government at Harvard.)
The obituaries speak of Solzhenitsyn's influence on his time, our time; but one should look also for the permanent value in how he lived and what he said. The obvious point of attention is his courage.
We, today, are in the habit of distinguishing two kinds of courage: The physical courage of facing and controlling the fear of bodily pains, and the moral courage of standing up against conventional opinion. Moral courage is often said to be more difficult because it requires greater intellect, but it is harder to discern because it is frequently confused with zealous, strongly expressed partisanship by intellectuals. Physical courage is easier to appreciate because it is more independent of circumstances; it is a virtue in itself, even when exercised for a dubious end. But it seems less valuable because it is not rare.
Solzhenitsyn's argument is that the two kinds of courage are not separate but connected. A decline in the ability to control fear of pain leads to a decline in capability for self-defense and to "the dangerous tendency to form a herd," thus becoming subject to fashion. If we all think alike, we will all be safe without having to defend ourselves. This part of the Harvard speech appears to anticipate what we call political correctness.
Solzhenitsyn paints with rough strokes, but clearly enough. The Western mistake was to turn our backs on the spiritual--devotion to which had grown to excess and come to a natural end in the Middle Ages--and to embrace materialism with an opposite unwarranted zeal. Under this idea there was no intrinsic evil and no higher task than to attain happiness on earth. Happiness is to be understood as physical well-being and the accumulation of material goods, and anything beyond these was left outside the attention of the state and society to the option of the individual, as if there were nothing higher than matter in human life.
For a time, in the American democracy at its birth, human rights were still considered to be the gift of God, so that freedom was given to the individual conditionally, under the assumption of a religious responsibility in him. But that assumption was weakened as materialism became increasingly radical, taking the form of a scientific socialism and, finally, communism. The more radical materialism is more convincing because it is more consistent, and "the situation becomes increasingly dramatic" to the point where it is clear that the split in the world between democracy in the West and communism in the East is less terrible than the similarity of the materialist diseases that plagues the two sides.
Capitalism and communism are the two hostile parts of modernity, and the world is approaching a new major turn in history equal in importance to the founding of modernity in the Renaissance. The new age will have to revalue the spiritual without returning to the Middle Ages.
Quite a vision! Too much for Harvard to accept and too much to judge here. But what is the connection to courage? Courage in the raw, physical sense is the noble ability to control one's fear and terror of bodily pains. When Aristotle said that the noblest courage is to confront death in battle, he implied that society depends on this individual virtue. Courage as a virtue practiced for its own sake is not undertaken to defend society, but society needs it and must cultivate and reward it. Now, modern materialism is an attempt to avoid depending on virtue generally and, especially, on courage.
Modern materialism rests on self-preservation or the right to life, in which survival is paramount. But one can never be courageous with such an attitude, for courage requires willingness to sacrifice one's life for something higher, for a noble life. That is why modern democracies have such difficulty defending themselves. They require a virtue that is not explained or justified in their principle. The Declaration of Independence begins by setting forth rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and stating that all men are created equal. But it ends with a vow in which the signers mutually pledge their sacred honor to one another.
Where was "sacred honor" in the first paragraph of this wonderful document? Honor is the inspiration of courage, and the sacred is immaterial and comes from above. It seems that materialism somewhat shamefacedly rests on the immaterial for its self-defense. Courage is the suppressed virtue of modernity, honored only in the breach of its principle.
We see this problem in America today in the gratitude we express to our military. They risk their lives in harm's way, we like to say. Yes, unlike us who face death by traffic accident and "natural causes." The military are the courage element in our community, at odds with the appetite element, but necessary to it. They do more than "serve"; they are our guardians. It sounds like Plato's Republic, except that, with us, appetite is the sovereign element. Our philosophers are not kings, but they are called intellectuals and they serve sovereign appetites.
In perhaps the most interesting and original of Solzhenitsyn's insights in the Harvard speech, he notes the importance that Western democracies confer on legalism. Legalism is our substitute for virtue: You don't have to distinguish good from evil and do good while avoiding evil; all you have to do is obey the law. This is a minimal requirement exacting only a form of behavior, not an attitude of soul. You do not even have to believe that you have a soul or are capable of "voluntary, inspired self-restraint."
Only this last quality, Solzhenitsyn says, can lift the world above materialism. It is voluntary because it must freely come from you, and yet be inspired by something higher than your bodily self. His formulation seems to restate courage in the terms of moderation, or to combine the virtues of courage and moderation. Courage is the restraint of one's fear for the sake of what is noble, hence also the restraint of one's appetite for material goods that diverts the soul from courage. With restraint of appetite comes abandonment of zeal for the principle of happiness in this world, the principle of materialism. For modern materialism has used its own inspiration--from below or perverted from above--to drive vicious actions that have the feel of noble sacrifice to the doer if not the recipient.
Materialism is a doctrine that weakens humanity and thus deprives itself of strong defenders. Yet America does have defenders even though it does not understand them. Our philosophy is unworthy of our courage and cannot do it justice. Still, it cannot do away with courage. This means that our philosophers are free riders or parasites on our military.
Courage is unphilosophic by itself, insofar as it is the unquestioning defense of whatever is one's own. But it needs and wants a meta-physics to combat materialism and to call attention to the importance of human courage. This is the connection between physical and moral courage shown in the life and thought of Solzhenitsyn. Courage likes the taste of bitter truth, which to it is bittersweet. Courage enjoys "the situation [that] becomes increasingly dramatic," the big picture shown to us in the Harvard speech that has us approaching "a major turn in history." In that picture, the Communist East is weak but the West is weaker. Things did not turn out that way, and the West prevailed despite the weakness that Solzhenitsyn correctly pointed out. Courage is in our nature if only we look for it, but the next time it may not be ready to hand if we continue trying to suppress it.
I forgot to mention that courage in Greek is also the word for manliness. Which prompts me to assert that Alexander Solzhenitsyn was a manly man if ever there was one. For us, he was Homer to his own Achilles, the best statement and explanation of himself. And let me suggest to those with time to read The First Circle that he was as Greek as he was Russian.
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Canal 7
La noticia:
"Un par de semanas atrás la emisora recibió una inesperada queja de la embajada rusa. La Casa Rosada intentó entender las razones. Los diplomáticos estaban enojados por un sketch de Peter Capusotto. Su personaje Cecilio –un representante de Tradición, Familia y Propiedad que imita a Sandro y que con la música de Dame fuego canta “Rojo, rojo, sucio trapo rojo”– quemó una bandera de la Unión Soviética."
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El sketch:
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"Un par de semanas atrás la emisora recibió una inesperada queja de la embajada rusa. La Casa Rosada intentó entender las razones. Los diplomáticos estaban enojados por un sketch de Peter Capusotto. Su personaje Cecilio –un representante de Tradición, Familia y Propiedad que imita a Sandro y que con la música de Dame fuego canta “Rojo, rojo, sucio trapo rojo”– quemó una bandera de la Unión Soviética."
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El sketch:
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Saturday, August 23, 2008
Life in New York: Un accidente anunciado
Este ha sido uno problema por anios a los que las autoridades no le han prestado atencion, los buses que salen del barrio chino.
Los chinos conducen a lo loco, mas de una vez me he cruzado con ellos, cuando uno los ve es preferible tirarse a la banquina. Van tambien sobrecargados de pasajeros con gente parada en viajes largos.
Las rutas mas "populares" son los viajes a Washington, D.C. , los casinos y a Niagara Falls.
La gente se entusiasma con los precios sustancialmente mas bajos a los que ofrecen los transportes regulares (Greyhound, etc.) pero alli estan las consecuencias.
Algunos de los conductores ni siquieran hablan ingles ni entienden las seniales de transito. Hace un tiempo se detecto en Pensylvannia la forma fraudulenta en que obtenian las licencias de conducir - chinos que habian pasado el examen sin hablar una palabra de ingles.
El tema de los que reparten comida "deliveries" es otro peligro en Manhattan. Se cruzan de contramano, conducen por las veredas, no les importa nada. Son como animales. Asi si atropellan a una persona mayor es posible que hasta la dejen tirada en el suelo. Esta claro que este no es el mejor elemento, el que ha emigrado a EE.UU, muchas veces traidos en condiciones de esclavitud en barcos ingresados clandestinamente, otras bajo nombres falsos con la complicidad de funcionarios en su "home country". Es posible que tanta indiferencia a la civilidad se deba a los lastres que dejo el comunismo. Una cultura milenaria que ha sido arrasada. Hoy por hoy basta ver los desmanes que han cometido - y siguen cometiendo en el Tibet. Lo que no fue arrasado por el comunismo fue arrasado por el capitalismo salvaje que se impuso despues. Lo que se dice barbarians. El espectaculo de las olimpiadas en Pekin es un testimonio de esa obra destructora. (Una buena observacion las olimpiadas la hace Taki Theodorocopulos en su blog ver aqui )
Ni que hablar de los "greasy" chinese restaurants y la falta de higiene que se detecta en los mismos. Cocinan todo en un solo "pot", asi que si alguien pidio pescado y Ud. ordena pollo o pasta, por ejemplo, el pollo o la pasta tienen gusto a pescado. Ni los negros comen ahi. Si ordena para llevar, la comida se la sirven en unos envases hecho de un material (Styrofoam) que se disuelve y es sumamente toxico. Eso si - es barato.
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Los chinos conducen a lo loco, mas de una vez me he cruzado con ellos, cuando uno los ve es preferible tirarse a la banquina. Van tambien sobrecargados de pasajeros con gente parada en viajes largos.
Las rutas mas "populares" son los viajes a Washington, D.C. , los casinos y a Niagara Falls.
La gente se entusiasma con los precios sustancialmente mas bajos a los que ofrecen los transportes regulares (Greyhound, etc.) pero alli estan las consecuencias.
Algunos de los conductores ni siquieran hablan ingles ni entienden las seniales de transito. Hace un tiempo se detecto en Pensylvannia la forma fraudulenta en que obtenian las licencias de conducir - chinos que habian pasado el examen sin hablar una palabra de ingles.
El tema de los que reparten comida "deliveries" es otro peligro en Manhattan. Se cruzan de contramano, conducen por las veredas, no les importa nada. Son como animales. Asi si atropellan a una persona mayor es posible que hasta la dejen tirada en el suelo. Esta claro que este no es el mejor elemento, el que ha emigrado a EE.UU, muchas veces traidos en condiciones de esclavitud en barcos ingresados clandestinamente, otras bajo nombres falsos con la complicidad de funcionarios en su "home country". Es posible que tanta indiferencia a la civilidad se deba a los lastres que dejo el comunismo. Una cultura milenaria que ha sido arrasada. Hoy por hoy basta ver los desmanes que han cometido - y siguen cometiendo en el Tibet. Lo que no fue arrasado por el comunismo fue arrasado por el capitalismo salvaje que se impuso despues. Lo que se dice barbarians. El espectaculo de las olimpiadas en Pekin es un testimonio de esa obra destructora. (Una buena observacion las olimpiadas la hace Taki Theodorocopulos en su blog ver aqui )
Ni que hablar de los "greasy" chinese restaurants y la falta de higiene que se detecta en los mismos. Cocinan todo en un solo "pot", asi que si alguien pidio pescado y Ud. ordena pollo o pasta, por ejemplo, el pollo o la pasta tienen gusto a pescado. Ni los negros comen ahi. Si ordena para llevar, la comida se la sirven en unos envases hecho de un material (Styrofoam) que se disuelve y es sumamente toxico. Eso si - es barato.
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Entrevista a Alejandro Carrio

Publicada en el suplemento cultural de "La Nacion". Ver aqui
(Nota: Carrió acaba de publicar un ensayo, en clave de divulgación ( Digamos basta, de Editorial Sudamericana), con ejemplos de la vida cotidiana que apuntan a explicar la conflictiva relación de los argentinos con la ley. Carrió es presidente de la Asociación por los Derechos Civiles y profesor de la maestría en Derecho de la Universidad de Palermo
Marcada diferencia con el Profesorete Roberto Gargarella, quien se manifestaba en su blog a favor de la ilegalidad que significan los cortes diciendo que a los piqueteros "no les quedaba otra." O sea el ejemplo viene MAL de arriba - un "profesor de derecho" se manifiesta a favor de la ilegalidad. Diria que la "anomia" se alimenta tambien desde la facultad de derecho con algunos manzanas podridas como el profesorete. Otros dirian que es una falta de etica, aunque ya sabemos a que nivel debe estar la "etica" del profesorete, apoyando el aborto, el feminismo, a los "jueces garantistas" que favorecen a los delincuentes y todas las malas causas.)
-¿Qué nos está faltando?
-Hacernos cargo de que somos responsables del país que hemos construido y advertir que no existe ninguna conspiración internacional en contra nuestra. Hacernos cargo es, también, pensar que la democracia no es un valor limitado exclusivamente a las elecciones. Nosotros pensamos que vivimos en democracia porque votamos y no hacemos mucho, entre una y otra fecha electoral, para lograr un juego más o menos equitativo de los distintos poderes. Sabemos lo que pasa en el Indec, y aunque eso distorsiona y daña nuestra calidad de vida, no protestamos lo suficiente. Sólo reaccionamos cuando el resultado de esas malas medidas se va de madre, cuando, simplemente, vemos un día que nuestro dinero no está más, que ha desaparecido, como pasó con el corralito. Tampoco nos parece muy grave la autoridad concentrada. Por eso creemos en los "ismos" salvadores. Yo hago mucho hincapié en la cultura populista, de la que está muy impregnada nuestra sociedad, y que tiene que ver con el deseo de que nos digan lo que queremos escuchar. El populismo prende porque nos absuelve de toda responsabilidad. Nos convence de que los malos siempre son los de afuera, que no nos dejan avanzar. Este echar culpas afuera nos estanca como país. Y lo peor es que, como el populismo es autoritario, nunca va a impulsar instituciones fuertes, porque no quiere ser controlado.
...Miremos el conflicto del campo: se dijo que cortar rutas es ilegal, lo que es cierto. Pero durante el conflicto por las pasteras la gente cortó rutas y el Estado no instaló la idea de que era ilegal el corte. Por eso la gente debe de haber entendido que cortar rutas estaba bien. Además, respecto de las retenciones, no se les pueden cambiar las reglas de juego a los productores después de que sembraron. La anomia es enloquecedora.
Articulos relacionados:
Del blog del profesor Kenneth Anderson
Public trust societies and kinship societies.
"Modernity in some sense starts with those preconditions. The development of a social ethos that accepts the idea that individuals have fiduciary duties in the abstract, that do not pertain solely to those who are members of extended family groups - even where those extended family groups are as much or more socially, rather than genetically, defined - is what gives rise to the public trust necessary to modern Western society and the modern democratic state: that the state, and its officials, will treat people neutrally, without regard to kinship or other pre-modern markers of identity. Without that trust, the result is the form of the state, but an animating principle quite at odds with it. It is the marker of the rule of law and, it increasingly seems to me, the real line of division between societies today."
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Friday, August 22, 2008
Tiempo de descuento. Por Daniel Della Costa

Genial como siempre!
Eduardo Duhalde comparó días pasados los encendidos discursos del último ex mandatario y actual copresidente con dos de los personajes más desagradables de la historia: Hitler y Mussolini. Pero no conforme con eso agregó que el hombre padecía desórdenes de carácter psíquico.
¿Por qué causa hizo Duhalde esa referencia maligna, siendo que K fue presidente debido a un dedazo suyo y cuando se sabe también que muchos nativos comparten su percepción de que le faltan algunos jugadores?
Y acá sí que sólo cabe, apenas, una posibilidad: que tanto su afirmación como la distracción del Fernández de turno hayan tenido una sola destinataria, la única, coligen, que aún no se ha dado cuenta de lo que le pasa a quien obra hoy como presidente alternativo y oráculo personal y exclusivo: la Presidenta.
Lo cual es patético, tomando en cuenta las tareas que se le vienen encima: "desmorenizar" el índice trucho de precios y ponerle riendas a la inflación, resolver la renovada protesta agraria sin perder el apoyo de los setentistas, explicar la generosa participación en su campaña de droguerías implicadas en la mafia de los medicamentos y las drogas, resolver el caso Aerolíneas con la tropa cada vez más dispersa en el Congreso, emparejar las cuentas fiscales, cada vez más comprometidas, y hasta no descuidar las maniobras de su vice, cada vez más cómodo en su papel de protagonista absoluto de la Historia.
En resumen: una situación tan comprometida que lo menos que exige es que todos los actores estén como para la medalla de oro y no que anden por ahí con los cables sueltos y la mirada extraviada.
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Originalistas vs. Interpretacion dinamica ("Living constitution")
In a speech at Wake Forest University on May 6, 2008, Senator John McCain, the Republican candidate for the presidency, said the following about non-originalist judges:
With a presumption that would have amazed the framers of our Constitution, and legal reasoning that would have mystified them, federal judges today issue rulings and opinions on policy questions that should be decided democratically. Assured of lifetime tenures, these judges show little regard for the authority of the president, the Congress, and the states. They display even less interest in the will of the people.
Remarks by John McCain on Judicial Philosophy, John McCain 2008 Website, ver aqui Likewise, in a campaign appearance in Westerville, Ohio on March 2, 2008, Senator Barack Obama, the Democratic candidate, made clear that he supported the appointment of judges in the tradition of former Chief Justice Earl Warren before subtly insinuating that originalists are unsympathetic to the needs of the citizens by saying that he “want[ed] people on the bench who have enough empathy, enough feeling, for what ordinary people are going through.” Michael Powell, Strong Words in Ohio as Obama and Clinton Press On, N.Y. Times, Mar. 3, 2008, ver aqui
With a presumption that would have amazed the framers of our Constitution, and legal reasoning that would have mystified them, federal judges today issue rulings and opinions on policy questions that should be decided democratically. Assured of lifetime tenures, these judges show little regard for the authority of the president, the Congress, and the states. They display even less interest in the will of the people.
Remarks by John McCain on Judicial Philosophy, John McCain 2008 Website, ver aqui Likewise, in a campaign appearance in Westerville, Ohio on March 2, 2008, Senator Barack Obama, the Democratic candidate, made clear that he supported the appointment of judges in the tradition of former Chief Justice Earl Warren before subtly insinuating that originalists are unsympathetic to the needs of the citizens by saying that he “want[ed] people on the bench who have enough empathy, enough feeling, for what ordinary people are going through.” Michael Powell, Strong Words in Ohio as Obama and Clinton Press On, N.Y. Times, Mar. 3, 2008, ver aqui
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Tiempo final. Articulo del Dr. Walter Molano

Brilliant piece as always big W. Couldn't be happier by the bloody ending that will most likely be the Kirchners' fall from power. This will be a powerful lesson to all the Chavez' followers and to all the left-wing economically-challenged utopians who for centuries have managed to keep Latin America a backward and inhospitable place. Let this be a lesson to the Argentinian left! Done it again...
It is no longer a question of "if," it is now a question of "when" the Kirchners will be ousted.
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Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Victimas sacrificiales. Dr. Carlos Alberto Sacheri

Interesante articulo del Dr. Abelardo Pithod publicado esta semana.
(Addenda a la reflexion del Dr. Pithod: Joseph de Maistre trata tambien el tema en "Les Soirées de Saint-Pétersbourg" capitulo primero "Éclaircissement sur les sacrifices" ver aqui.
De acuerdo a las notas que conservo de las clases de Jacques Derrida en la "New School for Social Research" De Maistre fue el primer europeo que desarrollo una teoria sociologicamente orientada del sacrificio basado en el estudio comparativo de las religiones. Tambien Georges Bataille y René Girard. Derrida se tomo casi dos clases analizando este tema que tratare de transcribir mas adelante.
"Es imprescindible recordar que tanto el asesinato del Prof. Jordán. B. Genta como del Dr. Sacheri hayan tenido móviles religiosos o mejor dicho antirreligiosos. Eran militantes católicos, antimodernistas. Cada uno según su estilo, habian denunciado la infiltración marxista en el clero. Los "Montoneros", como se sabe, fueron un producto de las sacristías progresistas.")
Articulo del Dr. Abelardo Pithod
"Un autor francés, René Girard, incorporado recientemente a la Academia francesa, ha reinterpretado el sentido sacrificial de las víctimas de cierta forma de violencia. A través de un largo proceso, Girard, entonces un agnóstico, impensadamente se encontró con el caso de Cristo. Fue descubriendo que Él es la Víctima perfecta, paradigmática, porque es el Inocente Absoluto. Advirtió que el sentido propiciatorio se repite en muchas otras víctimas inocentes. A partir de esta idea de Girard yo he comprendido, con la fuerza de una revelación, que el destino de cada cristiano es de una u otra forma inmolatorio.
A esa luz Carlos Sacheri (*)se nos presenta como una víctima supremamente identificada con Cristo, no solo como cordero inocente, sino por haber sido ofrendado en un sacrificio en extremo cruel y sangriento."
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* Carlos A. Sacheri: Abogado graduado en la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Dedicado al estudio de Santo Tomás de Aquino, obtuvo el título de Licenciado y Doctor en Filosofía en la Université Laval de Quebec (Canadá).
Fue profesor de filosofía en la universidad canadiense de Laval hasta 1967 hasta que regresó a Buenos Aires teniendo a su cargo las cátedras de Filosofía y de Historia de la Ideas filosóficas en la UBA y Metodología Científica y filosofía social en la UCA.
Fue director del Instituto de Filosofía del Derecho de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la UBA y miembro de varias instituciones dedicadas al estudio filosófico y teológico. Autor de “Necessite et Nature de la Deliberation (Quebec 1968), Iglesia Clandestina (Buenos Aires, 1970) y El Orden Natural (1974).+
Monday, August 18, 2008
De nuestro corresponsal "The War Nerd"
There are three basic facts to keep in mind about the smokin’ little war in Ossetia:
1. The Georgians started it.
2. They lost.
3. What a beautiful little war!
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1. The Georgians started it.
2. They lost.
3. What a beautiful little war!
Ver aqui
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Sexto encuentro de estudios tradicionales celebrado en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires – Argentina
“Oriente y Occidente en el siglo XXI”
Día Viernes 22 de agosto – 19.00
Lugar: Callao 226 – Auditorio “Librería Marista”
Presentación a cargo del Lic. Juan M. Garayalde.
Lic. Esteban Ierardo - “El sentido de lo épico. El mito del héroe, y exceso y límite en Julio César, Alejandro Magno y Napoleón”.
Dr. Horacio Cagni – “Guénon y Spengler: un diagnóstico de la decadencia de Occidente".Lic. Leandro Pinkler - “René Guénon, musulmán”
Día Lunes 25 de agosto – 19.00
Lugar: Alsina 1835 – Salón de conferencias de la Biblioteca del Congreso de la Nación.
Prof. Santiago Giromini - "Pedagogía del Dios que vendrá"
Dr. Jorge A. Ferro – “René Guénon según extractos inéditos del Diario personal de René Tristán"
Dr. Rubén Pilares Villa - "Cusco, Tradición y Perennidad "
Día Martes 26 de agosto – 19.00
Lugar: Alsina 1835 – Salón de conferencias de la Biblioteca del Congreso de la Nación.
Lic. Marcos Ghio – “Oriente y Occidente: ¿civilizaciones en guerra?”
Arquitecta Sonia Martina Herrera Delgado – “ La Ciudad Inca del Cusco. (Aproximación Simbólica)”
Cierre de la Jornada.-
1er. Encuentro: Librería Marista – Callao 226 – Auditorio.
2do. Y 3er. Encuentro: Biblioteca del Congreso de la Nación - Alsina 1835.
“Oriente y Occidente en el siglo XXI”
Día Viernes 22 de agosto – 19.00
Lugar: Callao 226 – Auditorio “Librería Marista”
Presentación a cargo del Lic. Juan M. Garayalde.
Lic. Esteban Ierardo - “El sentido de lo épico. El mito del héroe, y exceso y límite en Julio César, Alejandro Magno y Napoleón”.
Dr. Horacio Cagni – “Guénon y Spengler: un diagnóstico de la decadencia de Occidente".Lic. Leandro Pinkler - “René Guénon, musulmán”
Día Lunes 25 de agosto – 19.00
Lugar: Alsina 1835 – Salón de conferencias de la Biblioteca del Congreso de la Nación.
Prof. Santiago Giromini - "Pedagogía del Dios que vendrá"
Dr. Jorge A. Ferro – “René Guénon según extractos inéditos del Diario personal de René Tristán"
Dr. Rubén Pilares Villa - "Cusco, Tradición y Perennidad "
Día Martes 26 de agosto – 19.00
Lugar: Alsina 1835 – Salón de conferencias de la Biblioteca del Congreso de la Nación.
Lic. Marcos Ghio – “Oriente y Occidente: ¿civilizaciones en guerra?”
Arquitecta Sonia Martina Herrera Delgado – “ La Ciudad Inca del Cusco. (Aproximación Simbólica)”
Cierre de la Jornada.-
1er. Encuentro: Librería Marista – Callao 226 – Auditorio.
2do. Y 3er. Encuentro: Biblioteca del Congreso de la Nación - Alsina 1835.
17 de Agosto

Cada vez se lo recuerda menos. La "Memoria" es para recordar a los apatridas que San Martin hubiese combatido. Leo que en Argentina hasta le niegan un avion al Vice Presidente para que se traslade a Yapeyu a presidir el homenaje. Dinero sobra para otros menesteres como mantener la "Academia de la Madres" con estudiantes "becados" que toman clases de marxismo.
En New York desde que fallecio Juan Manuel Nievas la Comision de Homenaje que existia brilla por su ausencia.
Out of Control 'Human Rights'
GENEVA (AP) - Britain is dismissing the idea of holding a referendum on whether it should ditch the monarchy in favor of a written constitution.
The U.N. Human Rights Council offers the suggestion as part of a review of Britain's rights record. Britain is one of few democracies with no constitution laying out a bill of citizens' rights.
But Britain says in a statement that there is no popular demand for a vote on a written constitution. It says Prime Minister Gordon Brown's government considers the queen vital to Britain's unity, and supports keeping her as head of state.
The U.N. Human Rights Council offers the suggestion as part of a review of Britain's rights record. Britain is one of few democracies with no constitution laying out a bill of citizens' rights.
But Britain says in a statement that there is no popular demand for a vote on a written constitution. It says Prime Minister Gordon Brown's government considers the queen vital to Britain's unity, and supports keeping her as head of state.
Frithjof Schuon

Bei Gott, dem Höchsten Gut, bist du geborgen.
Des Bösen Werk ist eitel Trug und Schein.
So lass den Kummer, mach dir keine Sorgen.
Sei du bei Gott, und Er wird bei dir sein.
Nie sollst du deinen Blick vom Einen wenden;
Es ist des Lebens Zweck und Sinn.
Das Weltgetriebe ist in Gottes Händen
Und nicht in deiner Macht; schau du nicht hin.
Zuerst Ergebenheit, dann Gottvertrauen;
Der Weg zu Gott ist nicht so weit.
So magst du, Seele, in die Zukunft schauen —
Und in das Licht der Ewigkeit.
Foto: Rene Guenon junto a Frithjof Schuon (en la derecha) en Egipto.
Rene Guenon

"[One] finds in Guenon’s works, which are far removed from particularism and personalism...wide horizons, powerful, pure and unconditional ideas, and new ways to recover that greatness which does not belong to the past but to what is superior to time and of a perennial actuality."
Evola, Julius. Rene Guenon: A Teacher for Modern Times Trans., by Guido Stucco Edmonds. WA. Sure Fire Press; Holmes Pub. Group 1994 pg.22
Aleksandr Duguin

"In 1960 by a very restricted group of dissenting intellectuals and anti-communists, known as “the dissidents of right-hand side”. It was the small circle of people who have conscientiously refused participation in soviet cultural life and chose an underground existence…. This refusal of Communism depended on the uncovering of certain works by the anti-modernist authors and Traditionalists: especially books of Rene Guenon and Julius Evola. Two central characters animated this group—the Moslem philosopher Geidar Djemal and the poet nonconformist Eugene Golovine. Thanks to them the “ dissidents of right-hand side “ knew the names and the ideas of those great Traditionalists of our century." A.D
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Georgia. It ain’t any of our business. The Israel Connection

De acuerdo 100x100%. "Gran" articulo, gran del Dr Paul Gottfried.
"Facts that should be noted here are that the US under Bush has become Georgia’s major foreign ally, that our government has strongly suggested bringing Georgia into NATO, thereby ringing Russia with what can only be seen as an unfriendly alliance system, and that at least some South Ossetians, many of whom are ethnic or assimilated Russians, support Russia against Georgia." (Nota: la cursiva es mia)
This morning the New York Post became even less subtle when it ran banner headlines about Vlad’s “Nazi atrocities.” For neocons it is always 1938, that is, when they’re not groping for the other evil precedents afforded by Kaiser Bill, Jeff Davis, or the ancient Spartans. (La obsesion de los neocons es similar a la de los sectores "progres" en Argentina con el Proceso.)
Why don’t our global missionaries tell Canadians, Germans, Frenchmen Spaniards, and leaders of the other “democracies” to decriminalize hate speech and to stop throwing people into jail or threatening them with jail sentences for making, or being accused of making, politically incorrect remarks?
Europe today does not face a “fascist” threat but an “antifascist” danger making way for a hostile Muslim takeover. This seems to me a far more troublesome thing than whether the New York Post’s “evil Vlad” is trying to reestablish a Russian beachhead in the Caucuses, with lots of local cooperation. That, I would argue, is none of our collective business. The other matter, which is closer to home in the Euro-American heartland, certainly is.
It ain’t any of our business
Ver aqui
War in Georgia: The Israeli connection (Ynet)
Guerra en Georgia: La Conexion Israeli
Ver aqui
Nueva edicion italiana de la "Decadencia de Occidente"

Muy oportuna la reedicion de la magnifica obra de Spengler.
Articulo publicado el "Il Giornali" el lunes 4/8/08.
Non tramonta Il tramonto dell’Occidente di Oswald Spengler, dal 28 agosto di nuovo in libreria dopo più di 15 anni di assenza (Longanesi, pagg. 1.520, euro 50; pref. di Stefano Zecchi)
Nell’Italia d’un altro dopoguerra di sconfitta, però di ricostruzione democratica, Il tramonto dell’Occidente, inno a un neocesarismo a quel punto sconfitto, fu tradotto da Julius Evola. A certi neofascisti sembrò la versione imperialistico-cesariana della Rivolta contro il mondo moderno di Evola stesso (1934); invece era la Rivolta a echeggiare il Tramonto in chiave nostalgico-aristocratica."
Ver el articulo completo aqui
* Oswald Spengler alerted Evola to the fundamental decadence of modernity, despite its boasts about "progress" and "the advances of science." From Spengler he learned that it is a sure sign of corruption of the body politic when the economy wins the upper hand. He agreed with Spengler's analysis of the onslaught of money against the spiritual in Western culture: "Only high finance is completely free, completely unsusceptible to attack. Since 1789, the banks and thus the stock exchanges have come into their own as a power, feeding off the credit needs of an industry growing into monstrous proportions. Now they, and money, want to be the sole power in all civilizations." N. Jackson.
Otros vientos soplan en la hermana Republica del Paraguay

El General Stroessner haciendo entrega del titulo de bachiller al actual Presidente Lugo.

Stroessner y Videla en Buenos Aires

Peron y Stroessner
A pesar de todo permanece el recuerdo del General Stroessner. Ninguno de los que lo sucedio pudo aproximarse a su liderazgo. El vacio sigue alli. Tampoco le veo al ex-Obispo (a distancia sideral de la mafia que gobierna el vecino pais, hoy reducido a condicion de republica bananera con sucesion matrimonial) unias para guitarrero. El ex-Obispo tiene en su gobierno un rejunte de izquierdistas, abortistas y lesbos de diverso pelaje(vease nota del Padre Sanahuja aqui). El tiempo dira...pero se avizoran negros nubarrones.
Tuve la oportunidad de saludarlo al General en la celebracion de la independencia, un 15 de agosto en el Club del Centenario. Nos introdujo (yo era un pendex) el antropologo Jacques Soustelle. Despues anios mas tarde lo volvi a saludar esta vez acompaniando a una delegacion argentina. Hablamos de lazos mutuos que unen a los correntinos y paraguayos. Era una enciclopedia abierta de historia y tradiciones. Recordamos el trabajo de Soustelle con las comunidades indigenas y su libro que al parecer nunca llego a publicar. Soustelle fallecio a principios de los 90
Friday, August 15, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Graffitis vs comercials (NYC)
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Libro sobre Obama

"What is scary about Obama, but draws me to him as a well-deserved fate for this country, is that he combines two equally repulsive worldviews, black nationalism, which in the case of his pastor and affirmative-action enriched wife happens to be directed against my race, and the idiosyncrasies of the American social Left. Barack (let me be intimate!) is probably the most “extreme” candidate who has ever run for the presidency of one of our two institutionalized, government-supported parties. If so, it is absurd to believe that his voluntary association with white-hating black spokesmen, kooky feminists, and bona fide socialists will not have any significant effect on his presidency. It is even dumber to think that the useless and spineless GOP or the hitherto obliging media will manage to halt the momentum of what Obama seeks to implement. If any serious opposition to his presidential course develops, it will likely come from the white ethnic Democrats in Congress. Such politicians are willing to put up with just about any form of social perversity from their nutcase party but if it hurts their voters’ pocketbook interests, they may start to complain. And while their voters are not averse to social engineering providing it is carried out by a white feminist, they are less inclined to being jerked around if the manipulator is black— or even half black.
Despite all of my fear and loathing for Mr. Change and his unpalatable yuppie boosters, I also think that our country needs to go through something like his presidency to be cured of its multicultural fascination with black leftists. With some luck we may also be cured of our fascination with all the lifestyle, anti-bourgeois oddities that are accumulating like fungi around the soon-to-be- anointed Democratic candidate. I trust his leadership will prove even more catastrophic than what I am now imagining. Either his presidency will leave us more grounded as a society but also in a state of rage against our political and media class, or we’ll be well on our way toward joining our Western European “fellow-democrats,” as the recipients of diversity and social planning up to our eyeballs. But it is silly to think that we can be cured of our social diseases by muddling along with more FOX News-type presidents, who offer us crusades for democracy abroad while gradually accommodating the Left at home. Better we leap into madness all at once. "
Paul Gottfried
Un controvertido libro sobre Obama en primer lugar en la lista de best sellers del New York Times.
Book on Obama Hopes to Repeat Anti-Kerry Feat
Ver aqui
Anoche, arco iris sobre New York City

Otra para los fellow residents de la Big Apple:
Este sabado la segunda parte de Summer Streets:

Ver aqui
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Los academicos fuera de sintonia con el mundo real
Segun el New York Times.
Y tambien los articulos de las "Law Reviews" que nadie lee.
Totalmente de acuerdo con la opinión del Juez Jacobs.
"“I haven’t opened up a law review in years,” said Chief Judge Dennis G. Jacobs of the federal appeals court in New York. “No one speaks of them. No one relies on them.”
[In a cheerfully dismissive presentation, Judge Jacobs and six of his colleagues on the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit said in a lecture hall jammed with law professors at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law this month that their scholarship no longer had any impact on the courts.]
Y con la Jueza Raggi
“If the academy does want to change the world,” Judge Reena Raggi said, “it does need to be part of the world.”
"When Rendering Decisions, Judges Are Finding Law Reviews Irrelevant"
Ver aqui
Y tambien los articulos de las "Law Reviews" que nadie lee.
Totalmente de acuerdo con la opinión del Juez Jacobs.
"“I haven’t opened up a law review in years,” said Chief Judge Dennis G. Jacobs of the federal appeals court in New York. “No one speaks of them. No one relies on them.”
[In a cheerfully dismissive presentation, Judge Jacobs and six of his colleagues on the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit said in a lecture hall jammed with law professors at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law this month that their scholarship no longer had any impact on the courts.]
Y con la Jueza Raggi
“If the academy does want to change the world,” Judge Reena Raggi said, “it does need to be part of the world.”
"When Rendering Decisions, Judges Are Finding Law Reviews Irrelevant"
Ver aqui
Historia del Peronismo de Jose Pablo Feinmann
Empece a leer "Historia del peronismo" de Jose Pablo Feinmann que publico en su version completa "Pagina 12" este domingo. Hasta ahora lei el primer capitulo y luego me saltee al que habla de la relacion con la Iglesia Catolica. Aunque puede ser entretenido la encuentro muy sesgada e imprecisa. Hay tambien una mezcolanza de apreciaciones subjetivas sobre temas descolgados que poco tienen que ver con lo que se propone el autor. Parece mas una novela por lo que un titulo mas conveniente hubiese sido "La Novela del Peronismo." Tambien mucha pedanteria propia del progresismo repitiendo cliches sobre el peronismo (que son grasas, que son gronchos, etc.)
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Profesor... Gargarella
Al parecer logro convencer a otro economista (anteriormente lo hizo con uno del partido de Carrio) en su predica contra el presidencialismo.
Esta noche en el programa "Argentina para Armar" que difunde "Todo Noticias", el Dr. Roque Fernandez, ex-Ministro de Economia y "Chicago Boy" como Gargarella se manifesto en contra del presidencialismo y la necesidad de construir poder para gobernar.
Fue un poco pesado ver a un ruso que estuvo invitado en representacion del Grupo Fenix, uno de los mentores ideologicos del "modelo" y responsables en cierta medida de esta situacion - pero el programa estuvo interesante.
Del actual Ministro ni se hablo, es como si no existiera. Uno de los participantes dijo, y quizas con razon, 'que el ultimo Ministro de Economia fue Lavagna."
Esta noche en el programa "Argentina para Armar" que difunde "Todo Noticias", el Dr. Roque Fernandez, ex-Ministro de Economia y "Chicago Boy" como Gargarella se manifesto en contra del presidencialismo y la necesidad de construir poder para gobernar.
Fue un poco pesado ver a un ruso que estuvo invitado en representacion del Grupo Fenix, uno de los mentores ideologicos del "modelo" y responsables en cierta medida de esta situacion - pero el programa estuvo interesante.
Del actual Ministro ni se hablo, es como si no existiera. Uno de los participantes dijo, y quizas con razon, 'que el ultimo Ministro de Economia fue Lavagna."
El personero de Hugo Chavez

Anoche reunidos con un grupo de abogados argentinos comentabamos como "el nacionalista" Hugo Chavez usa los servicios de una firma vinculada al Departamento de Estado.
La firma en cuestion es Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle cuyo socio, hoy convertido en CEO, George Kahale, es el representante legal de Chavez quien a su vez mantiene al tanto de las estrategias del lider bolivariano al Departamento de Estado y a la CIA. Una especie de doble agente.
Este es un negocio muy lucrativo, el de ofrecer servicios legales a gobiernos extranjeros. El gobierno americano solo exige la incripcion en un registro. Por lo general no hay mayores reparos en cuanto a los honorarios profesionales (fees), las corporaciones (publicas o privadas en EE.UU and elsewhere) son por lo general mucho mas conservadoras en cuanto a gastos. Eso no incluye a gobiernos con manejos autocraticos o empresas controladas por estos caso PDVSA, la pinata de Chavez (ademas del bolivariano asesoran a Lybia, Khazakastan, Bolvia, etc.)De acuerdo a un contacto los ingresos por este tipo de asesoramiento ascienden a mas de 20 millones de dolares.
Curtis Mallet tambien ha asistido a Chavez en la nacionalizacion de la empresa del Grupo Techint.
Para una firma relativamente mediana para los niveles de Manhattan y que no se destaca por ser un "first rate player" en la industria petrolera es un negocio redondo este nicho que han encontrado.
En un tiempo Curtis Mallet y Deveboise fueron pioneros en su incursion en latinoamerica, pero rapidamente fueron desplazados por los "big players" (White & Case, Shearman, Meyer Brown, etc.) Estas representan a la mayoria de las multinacionales en la region. Asi funciona el mercado a alguien se le ocurre una idea pero enseguida la competencia se prepara para superar esa idea y afinarla.
La destruccion de Bolivia
"Para desesperación de la enorme mayoría ciudadana que quiere preservar la integridad del país y que sufre la impotencia de no poder detener el deterioro institucional, la pérdida del principio de autoridad y la ruptura de la estructura jurídica, Evo y su vicepresidente Alvaro García Linera se niegan a abandonar la descabellada consigna de poderosas ONG de mantener el reconocimiento a 36 naciones indígenas en el proyecto constitucional del MAS.
Este proyecto, que reconoce igual validez oficial a 36 idiomas, con derecho a ser usados en todas las oficinas públicas de la agonizante República, a la que se pretende convertir en auténtica torre de Babel, impide al presidente indígena levantar la bandera de la unidad nacional, que es la única que podría salvar a Bolivia y también a su gobierno suicida. "
Andres Solis Rada
Periodista y escritor boliviano. Ex ministro de Hidrocarburos
Este proyecto, que reconoce igual validez oficial a 36 idiomas, con derecho a ser usados en todas las oficinas públicas de la agonizante República, a la que se pretende convertir en auténtica torre de Babel, impide al presidente indígena levantar la bandera de la unidad nacional, que es la única que podría salvar a Bolivia y también a su gobierno suicida. "
Andres Solis Rada
Periodista y escritor boliviano. Ex ministro de Hidrocarburos
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
La Convención Anual de la American Bar Association
Este fin de semana en New York. Lamentablemente, por cuestiones de trabajo, voy a poder asistir a contados paneles.
Dan Slater del Law Blog del Wall Street Journal va a estar de moderador en el panel:
"Judicial Criticism: Judges Under Fire"
Un tema candente aqui y en la Argentina (caso de los militares condenados en Corrientes con penas altisimas por "privacion de libertad" y del "juez garantista" complice del delincuente que asesino a toda una familia. Los católicos diremos que estos son crimenes que claman al cielo por venganza. El pampeano y fellow blogger Gustavo Arballo cree que hay que darle un premio a estos jueces)
Ver aquí
Profesor Stephen Bainbridge (UCLA) destaca:
"Public criticism of judges, moreover, is one of the limited avenues available to hold unelected judges accountable. Criticism of judges invokes the social sanction known as shaming. Society long has made use of shame as a sanction. The Pilgrim’s stocks find a modern counterpart in the perp walk beloved of white collar prosecutors. The core idea is that reputationally sensitive individuals can be influenced by having their conduct held up to public obloquy.
Insulated by life tenure and various other protections, federal judges—especially those who intrude themselves into controverted social issues—ought to expect to be held up to scathing criticism when they render decisions that affect the lives of millions."
Dan Slater del Law Blog del Wall Street Journal va a estar de moderador en el panel:
"Judicial Criticism: Judges Under Fire"
Un tema candente aqui y en la Argentina (caso de los militares condenados en Corrientes con penas altisimas por "privacion de libertad" y del "juez garantista" complice del delincuente que asesino a toda una familia. Los católicos diremos que estos son crimenes que claman al cielo por venganza. El pampeano y fellow blogger Gustavo Arballo cree que hay que darle un premio a estos jueces)
Ver aquí
Profesor Stephen Bainbridge (UCLA) destaca:
"Public criticism of judges, moreover, is one of the limited avenues available to hold unelected judges accountable. Criticism of judges invokes the social sanction known as shaming. Society long has made use of shame as a sanction. The Pilgrim’s stocks find a modern counterpart in the perp walk beloved of white collar prosecutors. The core idea is that reputationally sensitive individuals can be influenced by having their conduct held up to public obloquy.
Insulated by life tenure and various other protections, federal judges—especially those who intrude themselves into controverted social issues—ought to expect to be held up to scathing criticism when they render decisions that affect the lives of millions."
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Guilty as ordered. Argentina's Guantanamo. Justicia anga-ú (*)

Abstract: The court staffed by the highly corrupt argentine government and its Consejo de la Magistratura’s enablers to guarantee convictions has held another trial. It produced ... a guilty verdict.
It was impossible, in this case, to judge the evidence against the former military because of the deeply flawed nature of the trial.
We are not arguing that the guilty should not be punished severely. But in a democracy, trials must be governed by fair rules, and judges must be guided by the law and the evidence, not pressure from the government
El Tribunal Oral Federal impuso la condena de reclusión perpetua al coronel Rafael Julio Barreiro; 25 años al coronel Horacio Losito y el capitán Juan Carlos Demarchi; y 18 años de prisión al ex comandante de Gendarmería Rafael Julio Barreiro.
Vea la noticia ”aqui
Dominguez Henain, un abogado que no sirve ni para espantar moscas, según la opinion de los colegas del foro correntino, fue uno de los querellantes.
En la opinión del reconocido penalista el Dr. Jorge Buompadre, Profesor de Derecho Penal de la UNNE:
"Esta sentencia es algo que yo vine diciendo desde que empezaron estas audiencias, que estaba previsto una condena por la forma que se venían dando las cosas. Era algo previsible por como se iba dando todo”.
En cuanto a la pregunta sobre lo que esperaba el abogado de la defensa, dijo “debo reconocer que tenía una esperanza de que las penas sena menores. Es un despropósito las penas que han aplicado”.
“Siempre como cuestión subsidiaria si el tribunal no esta de acuerdo con lo que plantea la defensa, se debe velar por obtener la menor pena posible. Estoy no quiere decir que yo admita que los defendidos tengan un grado de culpabilidad, para nada”.
“Hicimos muchos planteos objetando el trato desigual entre las partes. Nos rechazaban todo tipo de planteos, hemos pedido excarcelación, y se ha rechazado todo de forma sistemática, y esto nos daba la sensación que venia una condena y así fue”.
“Esto no fue un fracaso de la defensa ni une éxito de la querella. Esto es un trabajo del tribunal, que en un día resuelvan la cuestión, me parece que es muy poco tiempo para resolver este tema que tomo demasiado tiempo”.
“Aplicaron a una persona una pena de 25 años que es la pena de homicidio por ejemplo, a una cuestión menor como es la privación de libertad de diez personas según acusa el tribunal."
“Hoy los jueces están sometidos a una presión tremenda y hablo de todos los jueces del país. Están siendo presionados por el consejo de la magistratura que responde al gobierno mandante en el país. Ese es mi punto de vista, personal y profesional. Esto es en cuestión de la justicia federal, una justicia nacional con asiento en Corrientes y no provincial”.
"Yo pienso que el tribunal fue parcial, absolutamente, no fue un tribunal objetivo, imparcial y tampoco independiente."
Otras opiniones:
Del Dr. Horacio Colombo, ex Ministro de Gobierno y Justicia de Corrientes y actual senador provincial.
"La sanción a los militares tiene un elevado contenido político."
Justamente, sobre la sentencia del juicio a los ex militares dijo “quiero ver si coinciden con otros fundamentos dados en otros casos”.
“Me gustaría que la justicia sea para todos. Lo que es grave son las situaciones de injusticia y de exageración, hay una actitud adoptada por el Gobierno nacional, vamos a ver a dónde nos lleva esto”.
(*)del guaraní: engañosa, falsa.
Forum CLM

En se ha organizado un foro acerca del libro de Steve M. Teles "The Rise of the Conservative Legal Movement."
"In the book, I argue that conservative funders saw L&E as a way to get more conservatives and libertarians into law schools, and it did have some of that effect: the approach is generally more open to those of a more libertarian bent than other approaches in legal academia. But as the approach went mainstream, it gradually took on the ideological coloring of the economics profession as a whole, rather than the libertarian tendencies of its founders."
Ver aqui
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
El tirano

(Nota: A raiz del articulo publicado en 'La Nacion' la semana pasada (ver aqui) por Marcos Aguinis dedicada al innombrable Nestor Kirchner, recorde este capitulo extraido del libro "El Mundo Clasico" del Profesor Mehesz. Curiosa la nota que hacian los griegos sobre la influencia de la geografia)
"¿De dónde vinieron los tiranos o cómo podían llegar al poder? Podríamos contestar estas interrogaciones siempre actuales quizás a la manera de un sorites euclédica, porque la tiranía griega surgía siempre donde abundaban los cerros y las montañas, de allí que estos lugares según la opinión del pensador griego, favorecieron a la oligarquía, afincada en sus burgos, en la cima de los cerros y controlando con seguridad la región. Donde existe este régimen habrá siempre suficientes ignorantes que hacen lo que no saben, por qué lo hacen, preparando de esta forma una situación confusa y anárquica, que a su vez, —según Pitágoras— abre justamente las puertas a un demagogo, que siempre está presente allí donde la ley perdió la soberanía.
En la antigua Grecia nunca faltó un demagogo que al llegar el poder, precisamente por la ignorancia e impotencia del pueblo, se transformaba automáticamente en tirano, y que según la acertada observación de M. T. Cicerón, no podía tener ni lealtad ni afectos. Sólo tienen la desconfianza, la inquietud, semillas de la crueldad, cuyo hermano es el olímpico odio."
Kornel Zoltan Mehesz, El Mundo Clasico ver resto del capitulo aqui
"L'attivismo fine a se stesso non è niente altro che una forma di azione degenerata, squilibrata e quindi moderna. La sola azione concessa, la sola azione che si impone all'uomo tra le rovine, è quella di tipo interiore, che va ben oltre il mero attivismo. E' questa infatti la sola azione che da schiavi ci rende liberi e quindi padroni di noi stessi." Julius Evola
Ver aqui
Ver aqui

De la fidelidad
Hoy en día todo esto aparece como anacrónico o vale tan sólo como una mera retórica, tan grande es la prevalencia de un tipo de hombre fugaz y sin carácter, siempre listo a cambiar de bando de acuerdo a la dirección hacia la que sople el viento y movilizado tan sólo por un bajo interés. La democracia es el suelo más apto para la “cultura” de un tipo semejante. En realidad, existe una relación estrecha entre fides y personalidad.
La fidelidad es algo que no se puede ni vender ni comprar. A una ley se la obedece, a una necesidad uno se pliega, la conveniencia puede ser sopesada, pero la fides, la fidelidad, tan sólo el acto libre de una interior nobleza puede establecerla. Fides significa pues personalidad.
Julius Evola
(De Il Conciliatore, Febrero de 1972)
***The Roman Concept of fides
"FIDES" is often (and wrongly) translated 'faith', but it has nothing to do with the word as used by Christians writing in Latin about the Christian virute (St. Paul Letter to the Corinthians, chapter 13). For the Romans, FIDES was an essential element in the character of a man of public affairs, and a necessary constituent element of all social and political transactions (perhaps = 'good faith'). FIDES meant 'reliablilty', a sense of trust between two parties if a relationship between them was to exist. FIDES was always reciprocal and mutual, and implied both privileges and responsibilities on both sides. In both public and private life the violation of FIDES was considered a serious matter, with both legal and religious consequences. FIDES, in fact, was one of the first of the 'virtues' to be considered an actual divinity at Rome. The Romans had a saying, "Punica fides" (the reliability of a Carthaginian) which for them represented the highest degree of treachery: the word of a Carthaginian (like Hannibal) was not to be trusted, nor could a Carthaginian be relied on to maintain his political relationships.
Los lobbys eternos

Siempre cerca del poder. Este Sr. era un habitue de los quinchos de Ambito Financiero. Hoy reclama el padrinazgo de un mafioso como Moreno. El "capitalismo de amigos." Los gobiernos pasan y ellos permanecen intocables. En nombre del "lobby devaluatorio" la "Union Industrial Argentina", seguramente esta reclamando otra devaluación.
Dice Critica Digital:
"El presidente del Grupo W, Julio Werthein, afirmó hoy que el Indice de Precios al Consumidor (IPC) que publica el Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos (INDEC) "no se corresponde" con lo que los argentinos "compramos o producimos".
"Mi querido amigo (el secretario de Comercio Guillermo) Moreno no quiere ajustarse a las cosas que corresponden para hacer un índice que sea correcto", se lamentó Werthein."
"A Moreno yo lo inicié en las relaciones con mucha gente, y cuando lo cruzo lo saludo cordialmente, aunque no coincido con las teorías que él esgrime" sobre el manejo de la inflación, señaló Werthein.
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Monday, August 4, 2008
La muerte de un gigante. Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn

Asi lo recordamos...
En su ataque al humanismo secular contenido en su discurso de Harvard dijo:
"T]ruth eludes us if we do not concentrate with total attention on its pursuit. And even while it eludes us, the illusion still lingers of knowing it and leads to many misunderstandings. Also, truth is seldom pleasant; it is almost invariably bitter. ”
Sobre la globalización:
"En el plano economico nos hemos precipitado con ojos cerrados a adoptar el modelo occidental. A pura perdida: son cosas que no se pueden copiar sin pasar por fases de transformacion dolorosas, cuando lo cierto es que esos procesos se deben conducir de manera organica, en funcion de las tradiciones nacionales. Como dice un proverbio nuestro: No es la buena salud de mi vecino lo que me va a curar. Por mas que nos empeñemos, Rusia nunca saldra adelante por tomar un camino identico al de Occidente”.
"Alexander Solzhenitsyn en su ataque al humanismo secular contenido en su discurso en Harvard en 1978 [...] y en su llamado a un redespertar a un nuevo espiritualismo nacionalista es sintomático de nuestros tiempos. En los últimos años hemos observado el resurgimiento de fuerzas que muchos modernistas consideraban antaño erradicadas: intensas pasiones nacionalistas, raciales, étnicas y religiosas; y el brote de un chauvinismo multicultural de la más cruda especie (desde Croacia y Serbia hasta Armenia y Eslovaquia, desde Irlanda del Norte y la franja occidental hasta Québec y el tribalismo norteamericano nativo). Todas ellas llaman por la renovación de las lealtades étnicas. Podemos preguntar: ¿es el nacionalismo más poderoso que el racionalismo; y la sangre y el suelo más duradero que las ideas universales?" --- Paul Kurtz
Being welcome in the West for resisting Communism, Solzhenitsyn was a fierce critic of Western materialistic values and dominant pop culture. His nationalistic views and fervor for Russian Orthodoxy, as well as anti-Semitic charges, distanced him from more liberal circles in the West.
Solzhenitsyn's love for religious philosophy, which he developed after years of upheavals and suffering, his authorship of epic novels and a long grey beard drew parallels to Leo Tolstoy.
Obituario en el New York Times
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